Chapter 1: The Torren Region and Delta Species Pokemon

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Back in the Torren region long, long ago was a man named Jaern, known as the Second Augur who took over as leader. The people of the region literally worshipped him. Little did they know he was one of the cult leaders. The Sky Cult. There are five known cults in the Torren region. They are known as the Darkrai Cult (worship Darkrai), the Abyssal Cult (worship Kyogre), the Sky Cult (worship Rayquaza), the Infernal Cult (worship Groudon), and the cult of Perfection (worship only perfection itself, not a Pokemon of any sort). A man named Reukra created them. These monsters I guess we are so to be called. We are known as Delta Species Pokemon. We have some slight modifications made in our DNA that go back to the incident in the Holon region. We are Delta Bulbasaur, a Psychic- and Fairy-type, Delta Charmander, a Ghost- and Dragon-type, and Delta Squirtle, a Dark- and Fighting-type. We were created by that evil man Reukra. We have no idea what he wanted other than to create "perfection" by making us. We were handed over to this Professor named Sylvan of Telnor Town. We were going to be a part of a couple of young children's journeys, but we were despised and rejected. This is the story of us escaping the lab and going into the wild to fend for ourselves. We are Delta Pokemon.

As we are so incredibly different from others we try to hide ourselves in the wild and out of sight. We gave each other names. Bulbasaur went by Emotion, Charmander went by Knowledge, and Squirtle went by Will. We are created also by the use of DNA from legendary Pokemon, but we'll explain more on that later. Your main character who will be driving you through the story is me, Emotion, the Delta Species Bulbasaur. Occasionally we'll swap around roles, but you'll mainly hear the story from my point of view as I seem to add all the moods to the story and set the variety of tones throughout as well. But let us be on our way then! Time to tell the story of Delta Species Pokemon in the Torren region and of course keep an eye on what these humans have in store for us!


"Heh... it seems as if we've finally done it Taen!" A man with a gruff look about him was peering into the three laboratory cases filled with clear teal colored liquid containing specimens that looked a lot like the starting Pokemon of the Kanto region. "I can't believe we managed to create these beautiful Delta Pokemon! Great work! I'm going to be sure to increase your pay if these experiments go as planned!"

"Oh thank you so much Mr. Reukra! We will finally achieve perfection now that we are one step closer to manipulating Pokemon DNA!" A young man with bright teal-blue hair was writing down data as he was observing the Deltas.

These Pokemon were in a slumber in their chambers as the duo was continuing to observe them.

"Let's go and have lunch, Taen. You really deserve it for all the hard work you have been putting into these Pokemon for the last year." said Reukra.

"Of course, sir! Wherever you would like to go! I'll leave these Pokemon here as they are still finishing up their developmental stages of their brains and endocrine systems. They should still be here in their containers when we come back." Taen enthusiastically replied.

The two men left the laboratory to catch the PikaTaxi to a restaurant on the other side of the city. Helios city was a beautiful city in where all the talk was forever about the Augur. Reukra and Taen found a Sushi High Roller restaurant to finally eat and be filled with delectable food of the Torren region, sushi style.

Meanwhile... in the laboratory...

"Ugh, my head hurts... What is this place?" The Bulbasaur starts to open her eyes and begins to notice that she is trapped in a testing container with bright liquid completely engulfing her. "Why am I here? What am I? Am I just a creature created in a lab?! This is utterly disgusting!"

She looks to her left and right to see there is also a Charmander and a Squirtle in the same predicament as her. "I feel this great energy flowing through me..." Her eyes begin to glow as she then cracks the glass in front of her that is keeping her contained.

"Aha! I can use my psychic powers to break the glass and free myself! But... what about the others? I have to do something. The glass on all of these seem different. Like they were made different based on our physical properties? Nevermind that... I'll have to use a strong Confusion attack to break this glass and to get out of here!" she contemplated. "Urgh... Ahhh... Bulbaaaa!!!" The glass shattered and all the liquid drained out of the container as the Bulbasaur began to stand on her four feet. She jumped out of the container and fell on the floor.

"The other Pokemon are beginning to wake up as well it seems." There was some bubbling from the Squirtle's container as he tried to fidget to get out of his groggy state.

"Hey, you!" Bulbasaur shouted. "Wake up! We're test experiments, we need to get out of here and as far away as possible!" Bulbasaur tackles the container of Squirtle, waking him up. He notices that he is trapped and powers up a strong Karate Chop to break the glass. Squirtle lunges towards the glass with full power and is now freed as well.

"Hey Squirtle, we need to wake up Charmander, too. We need to get out of here and find a safe place to hide."

Charmander was completely unconscious and unaware of what was going on outside of his container. Bulbasaur shocked him with a small confusion attack that woke him up, but was unable to shatter the glass at all.

"Charmander we need you to use a strong attack! You can free yourself and we can escape from this hole of nothingness!" exclaimed Squirtle.

"Agh... Okay..." Charmander replied. "Whatever you say Squirtle..." as he thought. Charmander became surrounded in a dark aura that gave him enough power to claw open his container and shatter the glass. He slashes as hard as he can and all the glass and water splatter everywhere as he trudges out of the container.

"We made it..." Squirtle thought to himself.

"It's time to find a way to redeem ourselves, to become real Pokemon, and destroy our evil creator who only wanted to use us as little experiments for his own desires!" Charmander announced.

All of a sudden the alarms in the base went off and the Pokemon then hid themselves in the dark corners of the laboratory to then attack Reukra and Taen upon their return.

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