Chapter 4: Enter the Cult of Darkrai

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"Hey! You two need to wake up before it's too late! You can hear me, right? Good. I am your father and this is my last chance to plead with you. My son and my daughter, I know it's going to be hard to hear, but you two are the saviors of this cruel world! You are chosen to set right the path of the wicked in our region. You need to be strong and overcome the Cults of the Torren Region! I depend on you two if I want to escape this hole in the near future! You two still remember what you look like? Yes, that's good. And your names? Wonderful! Dear Harry and Hannah... I depend on you two... I've sent a Pokemon to help you out of your most dire situation."


"Oh no! You don't have much time! It's coming back! You two be on your way now! The whole world rests upon your shoulders!"

"Gengarrrr..." A ghostly Pokemon stand above the pair with her eyes glaring directly at them as she eats up the rest of the children's memories.


"Gengar?" Gengar looks confusedly around to figure out where the cry came from.

"MEW!" A pink little Pokemon with a long tail and big blue eyes floated in the corner of the room and charged at the Gengar ferociously. "Meeeeewwwwww!!!" Mew used a strong Psychic attack causing the Gengar to run off in fear. Mew shakes the children sleeping the beds side by side waking them up.

"Ugh... My head hurts..." groaned the young boy.

"I know how you feel right now... How long have we been laying here? My arms and legs feel heavy..." the girl moaned.

"Mew!" The cute little pink Pokemon handed the pair a note with their names on it and the two read it together.

"So I'm Harry."

"And I'm Hannah."

"And we're twin brother and sister!?" the pair exclaimed.

"Well on the note it says we don't have much time to get out of here." Harry pointed out.

"Yes, and when we leave, we must never turn back." Hannah concluded.

"Well let's get out of here then." The two walk out of their jail cell and go down the hallway and come across a room that has blood splattered all over the floor and two Darkrai statues on both sides of what seems to be a ritual circle.

"This place is awfully creepy. We need to be careful." Hannah observed the statues and how well polished and detailed they were as they looked around the room for a door that could be triggered in any way to let them out.

"Mew..." Mew handed the two a note that read:

"I sent Mew here to help you out as you two journey through the region and many other places in our vast world. You need Mew's help to escape this cult base, so I've attached a DNA sample container to keep different samples of all kinds of DNA so Mew can use it's power to transform you two into anything you need to be to find a way out of a tough pickle. Please be careful and don't tell anyone you have a connection to Mew in any way." ~ Your Benefactor

"This is great we can use Mew to get out of here! We should take a sample of this blood here, it must be of a Darkrai Cultist!" cheered Harry.

"Yes! And we can disguise ourselves and leave this miserable place unseen!" squealed Hannah.

The pair used Mew's power to transform into Darkrai Cultists and they walked down to the ritual room where the next sacrifice was to be held. Persephone was flexing her back and hands as she was about to get ready for the sacrifice. She's holding a very sharp double-bladed knife in her left hand.

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