Chapter 2: The Incident

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It came about that both Reukra and Taen came back to the laboratory, but something was wrong when they walked in.

"The Pokemon! They're not in the containers anymore! They even shattered them and left the area!" exclaimed Taen.

"What?! Where could they be now? This is an absolute disaster!" Reukra was panicking now that he realized what this could mean. "It's all your fault Taen! You need to find those Pokemon immediately so we can contain them before they run off into the wild and die! And even more--"

"Our experiments with these Pokemon will end and the project will be a failure!" interrupted Taen. "I need to find them immediately! Should we use our Pokemon to locate these three specimens?"

"No Taen, if we do use real Pokemon to track them down, they'll learn soon enough what they are." replied Reukra.

"Well... it seems as if we need to look for them ourselves..." Taen was looking around the laboratory to make sure the Pokemon couldn't have slipped out through an opening or crevasse. "Sir?"

"Yes? What do you need--"


The Delta Bulbasaur all of a sudden lunged toward Taen from a shelf high up and latched on to the back of his head and then wrapped it's vines around his face.

"HELP! I CAN'T SEE!" Taen squealed.

"Oh no!!! We must capture this one at once and then find the others!" yelped Reukra.

"Charrrrr... MANDER!!!"

The Delta Charmander then jumped in front of Reukra to prevent him from assisting Taen with the Delta Bulbasaur wrapped around his face.

"You! I'm gonna get you!" Reukra lunged toward the Delta Charmander and grabbed ahold of it's legs preventing it from getting away. He grabbed a PokeBall from his pocket and hit the Pokemon with it catching it successfully. "There! I caught one of them!"

"Well now you need to help me catch this one and the other that is still hidden in this room!" He was trying very hard to get the little Delta Bulbasaur off of his face as the vines got tighter and tighter. "Boss! A little help here?" he cried.

"I'm trying Taen! Let me get up and try to throw a PokeBall at it!" All of a sudden Reukra got a hit with a swift Karate Chop in the gut. "AHHHHHHH!!! What was THAT?!"

"Squirt-squirtleeeee!!!" A Delta Squirtle was standing right in front of Reukra as he looked up to see what had hit him in the gut.

"You won't get away either!" The Delta Squirtle tried to jump away as Reukra tried to grab him, but his cloth got caught on something sharp attached to the lab table. "Ha! You can't get away now!" Reukra threw a PokeBall at the Pokemon catching it successfully as well.

"Boss this Pokemon's hurting me! Help!" Taen was starting to twitch as the Delta Bulbasaur started to constrict it's vines around his head so tight that his head was beginning to hurt immensely.

"You need to stay away from my lab assistant you filthy creature!" Reukra ran towards Taen and ripped the Pokemon off of him and unbinding Taen's extremely bruised up face. "Taen throw a PokeBall at it before it hurts me, too!"

Taen reached in his labcoat and threw a PokeBall at the Delta Bulbasaur catching and freeing Reukra from it's vicious vines. "We got them under control for now it seems. We need to put these Pokemon out cold and put them into an examination container to run some tests on what is going on with these things."

"Yes we must. I don't want these things to potentially kill us. They are freaks of nature after all, we can't let them go into the wild and destroy everything in sight. Thank goodness they can't breed unless they happen to find a Delta Ditto, if they let it survive long enough to reproduce." Reukra hands the PokeBalls he caught the other two Pokemon in to Taen and Taen puts them inside a machine that releases them from the PokeBalls and sends them straight to the examination containers.

"At least these containers we run all the tests in are indestructible. Only a Pokemon like Mewtwo can destroy them." Taen pushed a button that injected each Pokemon with a solution that seemed to put them to sleep. "There, now they're tranquilized and now we can run tests on them as they sleep soundly."

A scanner ran over both Pokemon and little suctions that are hooked up to laboratory equipment were running tests on these Pokemon that sent loads of data to Taen's supercomputer. An error message popped up on the screen showing that the Pokemon are not the experiments that were supposed to come about. They're stats and physical properties didn't match what they actually contain. Taen looks at Reukra with shock and amazement.

"What does the data tell us Taen?" asked Reukra

"Well... You see... Uhm... These Pokemon did not develop the properties that we had planned on. We can't use them for the test experiment. This is going to be named a failure." Taen explained.

"Well then... It looks like this will mark the end of this project then. We'll name this project "Project DNA Manipulation 1" since we are going to have to try other Pokemon to do the DNA manipulation with." Reukra wrote down the date of this project's execution and termination on a specific lab report and signed it. He handed it to Taen. "Here, put the name of the project on the paper and sign it, then when you do that lock it away in the folder where we'll keep all the files for our Delta experiments."

"Yes sir, I understand." Taen craftily wrote the name of the project on the top of the paper and signed it while putting a big "FAILURE" stamp on the corner of it. "What a shame..." He walks over to a drawer and sticks the report in a folder labeled "DELTA PROJECTS" along with the data files of the Pokemon inside. He closes and locks the drawer and puts the key back into his pocket.

"What to do now..." Reukra thought.

"Well we can't use these Pokemon. They're useless to us. Perhaps we can take them over to Professor Sylvan over in Telnor town to possibly give to trainers starting on a Pokemon journey? I'm sure they'll be able to take care of them." Taen looked at Reukra with a very expectant and pondering look.

"You might have a point there Taen, I'll call her up and see if we can go and take them over immediately." Reukra checked his cell phone and typed up Prof. Sylvan's number. "I'll be in my office, keep an eye on the Pokemon."

"Yes sir!" Taen sat down at his desk and typed up a memo for his project report. He printed it out and dated the document and put his signature on it. He walks over to the drawer and puts the document in the folder with the files of the corresponding project. "I guess we'll see what these Pokemon can do in the future if they get picked by a good trainer."

"Taen! We're going to take the EmolgaTaxi over to Telnor Town immediately! Put the Pokemon in the safe containers so we can bring them over to the lab!" commanded Reukra.

"Yes sir! As you wish sir!" Taen ran over to the examination containers and had the Pokemon put in the safe containers and put them into a big box along with their PokeBalls to carry over to the lab of Professor Sylvan in Telnor Town.

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