Chapter 3: The Professor, The Cult, and The Augur

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"Ah, it has been quite a long time Reukra! How have you been doing?" A woman with dark blue hair said in a serious yet very lax tone to her voice.

"I've been doing quite well Professor Sylvan. It seems you are still keeping up with your job here to help new trainers start their journey." said Reukra as he looked around his surroundings.

"Yes, I still have quite a bit of Eevee like I had bred back in the earlier days of my life that I give to the trainers as their starter Pokemon. But let me ask though, what brings you over to quiet little Telnor Town? You've been so busy with your work for the Perfection Cult that I'm surprised to see you just nonchalantly come down here to visit me."

"Well you see, we've been working on learning about Delta Species Pokemon and trying to create the perfect Delta Pokemon. We ran into some trouble with our experiments and we have three Pokemon we would like to give you to care for until a trainer shows up to possibly choose it on their journey." explained Reukra.

"Wait, so you're asking me to give your freaks of nature to young children to care for as their own? ARE YOU NUTS?!" Professor Sylvan became very frustrated and was seething with anger.

"Well, precisely. It would be better for these Pokemon to be in the hands of a trainer who can take care of them instead of releasing them into the wild where they will die." Reukra walked over to a big box that he brought with him and inside it he took the containers that separately carried the Pokemon they had created inside.

"Sir, their PokeBalls are right here if you need to use them." Taen grabbed the PokeBalls that were in the smaller box that was inside the box with the containers.

"Thank you Taen." replied Reukra. He turns and looks at Sylvan. "These are the Pokemon that we 'created.' They are Delta Species variations of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle; also they are very strong from what we've observed because they almost destroyed our lab and were running amok when we had returned from a meal out."

"Well I'm not surprised Mr. Reukra, these Pokemon probably hate you for bringing them to life as freaks of nature in our cruel world." retorted Sylvan.

"We have no use for them, I'm pleading with you, please please take these Pokemon under your wing until you can find a good trainer for them! That will be the only way for them to survive! You don't want me labeled as a Pokemon murderer do you? Or even be the cause for their deaths considering you turning them down would lead to that?" pleaded Reukra.

"Ughhh... Fine. I'll take them under my care. But, if they run loose and away from me, don't complain about what they do then to you or anyone else, deal?"

"Deal." The two relentlessly shook hands to confirm the deal. Taen handed the PokeBalls over to Sylvan and then him and Reukra began to unlock the containers the Pokemon were kept in.

"Miss, you may want to keep a good eye on these Pokemon when they are not in their PokeBalls for their sake and ours. I'll take these containers so we can use them for future experiments of course so now they will be loose in your lab unless you contain them yourself." Taen warned.

"Alright" she replied. The Pokemon were all quietly sleeping since it was a long ride over to Telnor Town from Helios City. "I'll try to take very good care of them as you have requested."

"Thank you for your cooperation Professor Sylvan. We must take our leave now though, we have some important work to get back to in our lab." Reukra grabbed the box and started heading out of the lab.

"Take care Miss!" Taen followed Reukra very anxiously as they were leaving Professor Sylvan's lab.

The two men exitted the lab and went to catch the EmolgaTaxi back home to their lab in the underground sewers of Helios City. As they were getting out of the vehicle, they saw the Second Augur, Jaern, come over to the vehicle with an empty bag and a letter in his hand. Jaern saw Reukra and shook his hand as well as Taen's. "Good day, sirs! Be safe on your return to your abode!" Jaern must have recognized them if he knew they were from Helios City.

"Sir, I would like to take the fastest route to Telnor Town on the PikaTaxi!" requested Jaern.

"Why of course! We're the best service around! We'll arrive within an hour is that alright with you, sir?" asked the PikaTaxi man.

"That would be splendid! I am excited to meet the people of Telnor Town!" Jaern went inside the PikaTaxi and the PikaTaxi man began to drive off towards Telnor Town.

Reukra and Taen overheard the conversation between the Augur and the Pika Taxi man. "Sir!? Did you hear that? The Augur is heading to Telnor Town! We just came from there! Do you know what is going on?"

"I do not know Taen, but it can't be Professor Sylvan. He seemed to be pretty jolly though, he must be meeting the people of Telnor Town. He did have an empty bag to carry potential gifts in as well as a wrapped up note in his hand to probably read to the people of the town." Reukra handed the box to Taen to carry. "Here. You carry this box it's getting heavy. Besides, we have nothing to worry about other than striving for perfection!"

"Yes of course, sir! We are the Perfection Cult and nothing can stop us!" Taen took the box and hurriedly ran towards the direction of the lab excited to work on a new project.

Meanwhile... North of Telnor Town in a huge forest... Deep inside a cult base...

"Persephone, we are going to commence with ripping the memories from these two children. Everything is going according to plan."

"Good, then I can leave you two in here to deal with them as I get ready for the sacrifice. I will be taking my leave now."

"Ma'am? What do you want us to do with them once we have rid these two of their memories?"

"Kill them of course! I don't want them to meddle with my plans anymore. And if you two fail, I will personally have you two slaughtered in the name of the Cult of Darkrai!" Persephone heads down the hallway and enters a lower chamber that leads to her room and the sacrifice altar.

"Man, I hope nothing goes screwy with this task." said one cultist.

"Yeah dude, at least Gengar is doing her thing right now. Soon they won't even remember who they are!" cackled the other cultist.

"We should be fine, let's go and get ready for the sacrifice." The two cultists leave towards the sacrifice hall where the altar is to prepare for the sacrifice.


To be continued...

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