~Heart Of Gold 3~

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"I Dont CARE!."A loud smack flew across the trailer.I jumped up and put my hat on.

I saw a very angry kat staring hard at jake.His head was cocked to the right.

She slapped the shit out of him!.

"We are done."She storms out of the trailer and slams the door behind her.Her brown hair swaying behind her overlapping.

"What ya do?."I asked him sitting back down and crossing my arms

He finally picks his head up and rubs his cheek,He looks at me with saddness filling his eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it."He says lowly.

I scoff and stand back up.I walk over to the kitchen counter and grab my small duffel bag.I grab some blue ripped jeans,the ones that my mama never fixed and My favorite red and black checkerd flanel.I grab some ankle cut black socks.

I sit on the couch and grab my dusty brown boots.I put those on and walk into the small little bathroom

See our horse trailer and camper per say is combined. They are mixed together. The bed is in the front with some steps to get into.Then it leads into the kitchen with a mini fridge.after that right when you walk in you have the table which folds down into a bed,or couch kinda.

Then the bathroom is connected to the horse trailer,but theres a wall to get to the horse trailer so we have privacy

I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.Once thats done,I spit and rinse.My hair is a dirty blonde kinda,Its dark.

I brush that out and then ruffle it.It curls on its own

I run my fingers through it

I walk out of the bathroom to see jake on the bed with his head in his hands

"Why havent you gone out and looked for her!.You piece of crap!."Zacks just sitting on the pull out.Looking between us

"Fine.Ill go do YOUR job!."I shout grabbing my hat and putting it on my head.I quickly put my belt on and fix my buckle.My hair falling over my shoulders

"We dont want to see either of you today got it?."I say,I dont know what he did but I have a feeling he got down with a buckle bunny.

I storm out and over to the barn.I see my beautiful horse bandit.Hes just grazing on some hay.

I look in the stall next to him and hoping to see wind,shes gone to.

I sigh deeply and look back over to bandit who happily neighs at me.

Bandit is a Palomino with a white streak going down his face.I had him since he was born.I worked with his everyday.hes 6 years now,I love him with all my heart.

I grab his halter and open the stall door.

"Hey boy.we gotta go find kat and wind."He neighs at the sound of winds name.They have also been together,except shes a year older than bandit.

I put his halter on him and walk him outside. I tie him up to the hitching post.I go get my tack and phone and headphones ,avoiding Zack and Jake. I then run back and saddle up bandit after I brush him down

I mount up and grab my reins and turn him towards the forset area.

I plug my headphones in and play the song strip it down by luke bryan

I turn it full blast and make sure my hats on good.I edge him on and we start to walk with the music humming in my ears

"Let me run my fingers down your back.🎶🎵"

I pass by a big group of cowboys and I smirk. They are all staring and I can see that they are whistling.

I take one of my headphones out and smile sweetly at them

"Howdy boys,have yall seen a brown haired pretty girl riding a dark bay?."I ask as nice as I can muster up

"Yeah going thatta way."He says pointing towards the forset

I tip my hat and that drives them even more wild.

I put my head phone back in and drop bandit into a run

We were flying,dust rising and pebbles being kicked up.I felt free.

I feel bandits breathing starting to get heavy so I slow him down to a trot and then a walk.

"Woah easy there boy,dont hurt ya self."I say while rubbing his neck

Once hes caught his breath I steer him left because I saw fresh hoofprints

I drop him into a fast run,Hoping shes okay.We enter into a forset and then wd go in deeper.I take off my headphones and turn the music off

I put it in my saddlebag,while we are trotting I hear quiet cries.I sigh deeply and head over to the noise

We cracked a branch and she must have heard that and got spooked

"Who whos there!?."She asks her voice breaking

I come into veiw and see her eyes all red and puffy

Oh hunny

I pull bandit to a stop and get off.I tie him to a lose branch and walk over to her holding my arms out.

"Com' here"I say.She sobs harder and runs into my arms like a lost child would to their mom

I hug her tight and let her know im here.

"Shhhh.Its okay. Tell me what happend"I say rubbing her hair.I looked around for her hat and saw it on the ground next to wind

Regret and sorrow starts to fill my heart

"H-H-H-He cheated!."My jaw clenches and anger flows throughout my body

"Im assuming with a buckle bunny?."I ask sighing.

She nods her head really fast.I couldnt take it anymore.I love jake as a brother and all but this is crazy!.

He loves her to death so why would he do this?!.

I pull away from and stomp over to bandit. He jumps a little from my surpise but calms down quickly

I grab my phone and headphones.I plug my music back in and blare strip it down

I mount up on bandit and I can see kat screaming but I cant hear her.No one hurts my bestie and gets away from it.It normally takes me a lot to get me mad but when you do,watch out

I spin bandit around as fast as I can and dig my spurrs into him.we were now flying towards that hell of a cheater.

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