~Heart Of Gold 6~

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All of a sudden Zack spins the truck around and I have to hold on the the arm rest thingy so I dont fall everywhere.

"JERK!."He looks at me and starts to laugh.He sets the truck right and starts down a new road.

"Where are we going now?."He just shrugs his shoulders and gives me a sly smirk.I huff and look out the window to see pitch blackness just passing by.

after about 30 mins we pull up to a cute little food place.I smile and bite my lip.I always wanted to go here when I was a little girl but never could because I never had the money so I started to work,But thats another story for another time.I open my door and step out.

I smile at zack and walk over to him.He holds out his hands and I bite my lip,I clasp my hand with his.We walk inside little rose .Zack opens and holds the door for me .I feel a light blush rise up.

"Thank you."He leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Always and anytime for you love."His breath fans over my neck and I clear my throat and try to fight the blush but it doesnt work

We walk in and we wait for a couple of mins to get seated while we wait.I shift my feet around.I hate wearing heels.Im just not that type of girl.Im a getting down and girth kind of girl.Not ohhh let's go shopping Babe...

No honey no.

She finally comes back and she seats us.I sigh once I sit down,My feet can finally stop throbbing.Zack seems to notice because he leans forward and grabs my hand I lean in to.

"I brought your boots in the truck and some socks and Jean's and a plaid shirt."He says a tint of redness showing up.I kiss him on the cheek and lean back.

"Thank you.How would you ever known."He shurgs.

"Because I know you normally dont like dressing up like this.Next time were going to a country bar."We both bust out laughing and look at the menu.

"Imma get a steak."He says still looking

"What about you baby?."He asks setting the menu down.The waitress comes back and has a notepad and pen

"What can I get yall to drink?."

"Iced Tea and coke please."I say she nods and smiles and walks off.

"I'm paying by the way."I say still looking.


"Yes."I say with a sigh





"Yes!."He says with a huge smile and I put the menu on top of his.i smirk at him

"I guess I am paying."I say with a smirk

His mouth opens to speak but the waitress comes back with our drinks.

"Thanks!."She smiles at me and slips me something.She then winks and walks away.

I look at what she slipped me and I bust out laughing.Her number!

I'm here on a date with my boyfriend and I get a number from a chick!.

Zack grumbles and rips the paper from my hands.

"Heyy.Wait I was gonna call her."He sends me a glare and I bust out laughing again.

"No tip for her."I laugh harder because hes taking this way to seriously. I finally calm myself down and I look at Zack.

"Hey it's okay bab-"I bust out laughing again.I cant help it, he looks so mad.I see him get up and stomp outside.I leave a 20 and follow after him the laughter of my body gone

I see him getting in the truck I try my best to follow and I get in beside him

"Here."he says still upset.I thank him and grab the bag of stuff he brought for me.I get out and my heart warms when I see what he did for me.

I go into there bathroom and change into my light blue Jean's, my plaid shirt and I put my socks on and boots on.I sigh and relax.

I stuff everything back out into the bag and walk back outside

I get into the truck and look out the window as he drives off.

"I'm sorry. "He says breaking the quiet.raindrops start to fall and I get a little cold.

"Its fine really, I was just laughing so hard because I got a number from a girl when I was on a date with you also I'm not gay."I said while putting my hand in his.

"I know baby.I know I just got a little upset."He sighs and I rest my head on his shoulder as he drives.

This date was something else.

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