~Heart Of Gold 4~

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Once I reach back to our trailer,I take a glance behind me to see kat right on my tail.I woah bandit down and hop off him and tie him to the hitching post.I take my headphones out and stuff them into my saddle.

I stomp into our trailer pissed off and ready to slap him.What I see next stuns me and all my anger melts away.

I see jake crying his eyes out.Poor thing,Now that I think about it.I never heard jakes side of the story.

I sigh deeply and slowly walk over to him.Shortly after I came in a yelling kat came in

"ANGEL DO-"She stops when she sees me standing next to jake crying and me rubbing small circles on his back.

"Ahem.Imma leave yall to it."I say stepping away.I walk past her and give her a small smile and nod.She smiles small at me and walks over to jake

I sigh and walk outside making sure to not slam the door.I sit on the chair outside and just relax for a moment.A moment where there was or is anything wrong .

I see zack walk up on his horse.I smile at him

Even though i was a total asshat to him today when he did nothing wrong.eh hes gonna have to get used to that

I stand up and rub my hands together,and then wipe them on my jeans

"Hey so uh....Ahem i was being a total jerk today for no reason.Im really sorry zack."I say,He looks at me like hes trying to search for something.Something saying I wasnt being honset when I am,I dont want to lose zack

"Its okay.I know just the thing you can do to make it up to me though. "He says trying to hold back a laugh

"What is it?."I ask wearily. Whatever he has planned cant be good

"Go on a date with me?."He asks shyly.Playing with his reins and shifting in his saddle.

My breath hitches and no words come  out,My heart beat starts to quicken and sweat forms at my hands

"Uh.Yeah yeah sure where?."I try not to stumble on my words but I do anyway.Oh kill me now!.

"Great!."His whole face lights up like a little boy who just got his birthday gift he always wanted

"I mean uh yeah sure that um ahem be cool,and its at a nice place its called little rose.Or something like that."I smile brightly .

"Wait...What do i have to wear?."

"Something really nice...Not that um you dont look good in everything you wear its just um ."I cut him off by waving and laughing

"Alright cowboy.You got yourself a date.When is it?."Biting my lip from his answer

"Um tomorrow.Be ready at 6?."He says walking away

Good thing I always pack that one non horsey outfit.

"Better go get ready for the show then."I say sighing and standing up

I walk over to my horse and untie him.Hes already saddled and the shows in an hour so I should go warm up.I put my foot in my stirrup and lift my self up and into the saddle.

I turn him towards the arena and trot him over to it

After warmups

By the time warmups are done.Im all sweaty and dirty. I dont care though a little dirt not gonna hurt.....Hey that rhymed!.

I take my hat off and push my dark brown hair out of my face.I sigh and put my hat back on

I edge bandit out of the ring.I see kat trot up beside me

"Hey everything good?."I ask her leaning up on my saddle horn

"Yeah..Everything's all sorted out and cleared up

"Up first is angel summers.Good luck!."

I push bandit back into the ring.He starts to rear up and then I kick him as hard as I can

"Come on boy!."I say gripping the horn and kicking

We turn and lean perfect,not knocking it down.I raise my reins up and push him a little bit harder

"Come on babe!."


YEAH angel!."

We almost hit the barrel because we cut to close and sharp but it stayed still and up.

"Lets finsih this!."we bolt for the 3rd barrel.My legs throbbing and my ass hurting we turn perfect and then its on..

"COME ON BOY HAW HAW!."I say slapping his neck and my ass lifting up and out of the saddle.We skid to a stop and I lean back to make sure I dont fall

I turn around and see something  I never think to live and see


"Yes!."I shout while wiping the sweat off.

Not to shabby for a girl and her horse.

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