~Heart Of Gold 7~

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"Soooo!?."Was the first thing I heard when I walked through the door.I shot a glare at kat.She immediately shuts up.Its rare when I glare unless I'm really not in the mood or I'm really pissed off.

"I just need some time in the saddle with Bandit."I mumble putting on my belt and my hat.

I walk out of our trailer and out to the barn.

I then remember that I saved a new horse.A smile forms on my face.

I walk faster almost skipping to get to the barn.I walk in to see kat put him next to the stall next to her horse wind.I grab bandits halter.He wouldn't mind,I can have two babies. I walk over to him and open the stall door.

He neighs at me happily,I chuckle and slip his halter on.I lead him outside to the post and tie him up.I walk back into the barn and grab my bucket of brushes and picks etc.

I set the bucket down by his feet and pick up a soft brush.I start brushing him down .Once that's done I grab a hair comb,I start to brush out his tail and mane.I then throw that into the bucket and grab a pick.I pick out every single one of his hooves.

I then put the bucket back where it was.I got my tack out of my trailer and set it on the post.I put the saddle pad on and make sure  its right.I then put on his saddle,grith,breast collar and halter all that good neat stuff.

I untie him and grab his reins.I weak him to the arena.I omly now notice two things,okay maybe 3.

1..its starting to drizzle.
2..Its dark.I need to turn on the lights.
3..there's a lot of people around the arena.Also theres no one in it!.

I sigh and keep walking.I flip on the lights and the whole arena lights up one by one.I smile.

I go into the entrance and put the reins over his head.

Music starts to play over the loud speakers.He doesn't move a inch.

I raise my eyebrow at him.

What am I even gonna name you?.

I look back around the arena and everyone either talking or looking and talking at me

The devil went down to Georgia

Oh shit not this song.

I put my foot in the stirrup and swing my leg over.I wait for him to react.He just stands there.

I click my tounge once and he moves into a walk.

All of a sudden something in his body and spirt changed.

He starts to buck .I smirk and throw one hand in the air while one grips the reins.

He stops bucking and looks back at me.I swear if horses could smirk that's what he just did.

He starts to spin in circles and circles. I could see the dust forming by us and the rain started to pour harder.I still held on.

He stopped.The whole arena was quiet,I felt a whole lot of eyes on me.

My breathing was hard and heavy same as his.

I could see the sweat and rain pouring down his back.

"I'm not giving up on you now son.Im gonna let you get everything out of your system now,because after this...when we walk out of this arena I wont take no more shit."I hissed at him.

He neighs and rears up.I lean forward and grip my saddle horn,he then comes down and takes off into a full on run.I grunt and pull him to our right.He listens and keeps running. I then pull him to our left and he listens again.

I pull hard on his reins and he immediately stops.The dust and dirt were already up in the air.

"You done?."I asked him,he grunts and drops his head.I smile,hes broken and okay now.

"THATS MY BESTFRIEND!."kat yells hopping over the railing and running over to me.

"Yeah I feel much better now."I say then I look all around to see everyone clapping and smiling.

"Good boy trooper . "Trooper?.Hmm sounds good enough to me.

"Trooper?.That's his name?."I smile and wipe the rains and sweat off my forehead.

"Yup.Sounds sure as hell good enough to me."

I click my tounge and walk him out of the arena and to the barn.

"Miss wait!."I stop trooper and look back in the saddle to see that guy from earlier that was gonna kill trooper.

"What!."I sneer at him

"I just wanted to say...I want that horse back.I I I will pay you double ."He Isla with a toothy grin.

My heart clenched at the thought of letting trooper or bandit go.

"No."I said firmly and waking trooper into the barn.I untack him and put everything away.

I put him in his stall and kiss him and bandit goodnight.

I walk into the trailer and coplase onto the couch /bed.

I immediately fall alseep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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