The Family

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Many nights, Amanda would ponder on the mystery of the killings. It didn't seem to strike at a specific time since a girl could approach her today and be dead the next morning or a guy could drop hints that they're interested in Amanda for about a month then go missing. It seemed like the only way to avoid an incident would be to avoid any contact with non-family members altogether.

Fortunately for her, Amanda had siblings and two cousins that lived with them to keep her company.

Kelsier was older by three years. Although he was going to a university far from home, he would constantly visit her on the weekends. He was her rock during tough times when another body would be discovered or someone would go missing again. Kelsier constantly reminded her that none of what was happening was her fault; that it was okay to feel remorse but not okay to blame herself for the deaths and disappearances of those around her.

"You didn't wish for any of this to happen," he said to her one time while they were out for a walk.

Amanda kept her head down, staring at her feet as they moved, "but it could have been avoided if only I kept my distance."

Kelsier stopped walking which prompted her to stop as well. She was a few paces ahead of him and had to turn her head to look at her brother. Pity was written all over his face and something else that suggested this was also difficult for him like it was for her, but he blinked a few times and the sadness was replaced with a serious expression.

"They approached you Ame's, not the other way around. So please, stop blaming yourself," he pleaded, his voice cracking slightly in the end giving Amanda a glimpse of just how her brother was deeply concerned for her beneath his cool facade.

She held his gaze for a beat before giving him a single nod. It was easier said than done but she promised herself that she was going to try since Kelsier already had enough on his plate with college without adding her problems to the pile.

But while her brother was sympathetic, the case was the opposite regarding Amanda's younger sister.

Samantha who was two years younger and who attended the same school as Amanda treated her with hostility and refused to be seen in public with her. This was mostly because of the fact that Samantha would often be bullied because of Amanda's "curse", so she kind of hated her sister for it.

Some people avoid her as well, but she has managed to maintain a group of friends, one that she's determined to keep even if it meant disowning her sister.

Amanda didn't push her. She perfectly understood why Samantha felt that way towards her. Better to suffer alone anyway. However, her cousin Emily, who was the same age, felt disinclined to agree with Amanda's logic. For her, it was better to have someone to share the burden with, which is why she would always insist on keeping Amanda company. And Amanda in turn would frequently tell Emily that it wasn't necessary, but deep inside she was secretly grateful.

Damien was Emily's twin and his relationship with Amanda was kind of in between. They weren't close like Amanda was with Kelsier and Emily but they weren't also indifferent, like how Samantha treated Amanda. They were... civil, to say the least. He certainly didn't believe the rumors that Amanda was cursed and neither was he bothered by the fact that people would avoid him because of his relation to her. He was perfectly content on being a loner and it brought slight comfort to Amanda that at least no one bothered or bullied him just because they were cousins.

They never really spoke that much to each other. Damien would simply nod to her in acknowledgement whenever they passed each other in the halls, causing Emily to huff and glare disapprovingly at him.

"At least he doesn't ignore me Em, just let it go," Amanda said to her as they ate their lunch at the cafeteria.

"Honestly, how hard can it be for him to open his mouth and utter one word?" Emily grunted as she stabbed her lettuce with a fork. "How am I even related to that recluse in the first place?" She continued ranting as she angrily chewed on her salad.

Amanda sighed. Emily and Damien may be twins but they were definitely polar opposites, and it was moments like this that made Amanda feel like she was a normal girl that didn't have to worry about getting too friendly with someone lest they might drop dead the next day.

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