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Adam heard everything about the infamous Amanda Lockhart the next day at lunch in the cafeteria. His new friends Joe, Alfie, and Jim told him everything he needed to know and even supplied him a list of reasons to avoid Amanda because even if she looked like an angel straight down from heaven, she had an evil cloak on her shoulders.

She was bad news.

The girl defined trouble.

He had to stay away from her.

But that didn't stop him from thinking about her. He couldn't stop thinking about the way she ran away from him the other day. He couldn't help but realize that the rumors about her was enough explanation to her panicked look. He knew she wasn't evil. She was trying to protect him, that's why she kept her distance; but he refused to let all this bullshit stop him from getting to know her. So, despite all his friend's warnings and pleadings, he decided to man up and talk to her one afternoon. She was sitting alone in the bleachers, reading a book, and when she looked at him with those adorable blue eyes, he knew he was whipped. But the panicked expression was back on her face and for the second time, she stood up to run away but he easily caught up to her.

Amanda knew she had to resist. He had only wanted to talk but she couldn't risk it. She looked him in the eye and saw the gold flecks in his irises and, forcing the words to come out, she apologized and left him standing there for the second time.

Adam didn't accept her apology. He could take care of himself if ever the rumors were true; what he wanted more than anything was to get to know Amanda, so everyday he'd approach her and try to strike up a conversation, but he'll only get up to two words before she'd hastily throw him an apology and leave. So he tried a different approach by giving her flowers and leaving chocolates or poems on her locker.

Adam wouldn't stop trying to get her attention everyday through sweet gestures and everyday Amanda found it hard to keep avoiding him. He had created a chink in her armor and everyday he was getting close to breaking down her walls. As for the curse, so far nothing bad has happened to Adam and this created dangerous thoughts in Amanda's mind, for she had already begun contemplating on letting him inside her heart with the hopes that maybe this time, things would end differently.

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