The Truth

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The police arrived at the crime scene. A team of top detectives from the big city also arrived to personally investigate the case. Adam was sent to the hospital to get medical attention, while the twins were questioned of everything that happened. Emily told them the same story she fed Amanda. That Amanda was the one who attacked them and they were only acting in self-defense.

Samantha never really cared about her sister. She pretty much wanted her gone. But seeing her body, devoid of life, being taken away on a stretcher, broke something inside her. Kelsier was going to be heartbroken.

The detectives did their best to investigate but a lot of things were just not adding up. After the police interrogated Adam, they were left with even more questions.

If Amanda was truly responsible for all those killings, like Emily said, then why did she wait to attack Adam right there in front of her house where people could have easily seen her? She had multiple opportunities before, especially when she and Adam walked along the dark parts of the neighborhood.

They were about to lose hope when along came a reporter who got ahold of a blackbox footage from one of the cars that was parked out front. When they played the footage, they could see Adam waiting outside for Amanda when someone creeps up to him from behind and hits his head with a pole. They paused the footage and everyone stared at the screen. It was dark but there was enough light coming from the lamp post to make out who attacked Adam, and it wasn't Amanda. It was Emily.

The police brought her in again for questioning and this time she confessed. Everything.

"What were your motives on killing all those people?"


"They wouldn't stay away from my Amanda, it was annoying. Of course I had to get rid of them."

"Why preserve the male bodies?"

A sick power play.

"I like to be reminded that they're dead, and I'm alive, and Amanda is mine."

"Is that why you cut their balls off?"

Emily shrugged, "I just thought it would be funny."

"What about those girls? Why shave off their hair and slice off their breasts?"

Emily's expression darkened, "I wanted to make them ugly. They didn't deserve Amanda's attention, so I gave them a make over."

"Why did you accuse Amanda in the first place?"

"It was my brother's idea. He said it would confuse Amanda and push her to doubt herself. He said it would isolate her even more since she would think she was the actual threat and I would be the only one who would be there for her. I would finally have her all to myself," there was glee in her eyes.

"Was your brother a part of this right from the start?"

"Yeah. He was in charge of drugging Amanda. He had one job," she huffed.

"If you love Amanda that much, why stab her?"

Emily actually looked regretful as she answered the prosecutor's question, "If I couldn't have her then no one should."

Emily answered all the disturbing questions with equally disturbing answers without batting an eyelid. It was like she was discussing the weather over some coffee with a friend, and the one interrogating her didn't know what to feel. Impressed or disgusted. This girl was either a crazy psychopath or a crazy psychopath.

The court declared Emily guilty and was given a life sentence in prison along with Damien.


Adam went home that evening after attending the hearing. He still couldn't believe that Amanda died and that Emily & Damien were the one's responsible for everything. Adam felt even so lost without Amanda. What was he to do now that the one person he could use to get close to Emily was gone? And what's worse: Emily got herself imprisoned.

Adam switched on the lamp on his desk. The light illuminated the wall on his room that displayed dozens of candid pictures of Emily. Most of them had Amanda within the shot.

What was he going to do now that Emily was even more farther from his reach? No matter, he always found a way.

He plucked a photo of Emily from the wall, one that was a single shot of her taken from a distance. It showed her in her underwear, getting dressed for the day in her room.

Adam smiled. He would find a way to be closer to her. He always did.


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