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[I now dedicate this chapter to @aFoxWithaBell, @norasaki029, @Orangeredgreen and @MischievousAngel7 for commenting in the previous chapters. Enjoy!]


As the two teams lined up, Collonello and Reborn approached each other for a hand shake, to show sportsmanship.. sort of..

Could've fooled Tsuna, if it weren't for the obvious tension between the two, the proud and provoking smirks on their faces, and the cracking of bones that could be heard from their vise grip on each other's hand.

"Let's enjoy it, kora.." the Rain smiled.

'I'll crush you this time, Reborn, kora!'

"Let's have a good game.." the Sun smiled back.

'I'd like to see you try..'

Tsuna glanced at his sides to find his Guardians emitting a murderous aura, glaring at the other team, as they stretched their legs and arms.

Tsuna was praying to all the gods he knew as he felt ice in his spine. "I hope I come out alive.." He muttered.

"You're the one who wanted to continue the race." Reborn reminded him.

"Yep. I did.." the Decimo mumbled as he stretched.

"Saa, minna-sama," the announcer started. "Let the Amazing Race Nami High begin in three.."

'Yosh, Tsuna.. You can do this!' The Decimo thought, cheering himself.


'Don't let everyone's efforts go to waste..'

" GOOOOO!!!"

With the loud *bang* of the gun, the Race started and Tsuna ran as fast as his feet could go.

He knew that he was weak, his stamina, speed, endurance and overall stats were below average. But that's why he has more reasons to give his best.

Because of everyone's efforts. Because of everyone's support. Because of the people believing in him. Because of the people running with him.

The run to the west garden was already tiring for the Hosts, since they already did run to make it to the stage earlier.

The American Football Club arrived first, the Host Club behind them just a few moments later. And upon arriving, Tsuna cried internally at the scene.

After the Football Club entered, he could definitely see and hear fire and spurting lava and people burning and crying in despair and traps and tortured screams as a personalized version of hell disguised as a maze stood before them..

"Nice job, Lal Mirch.." he heard Reborn mutter with a smirk plastered on his face, eyes glinting with excitement.

Kyoya-senpai had the exact same expression..

Tsuna was slightly inching away when Mukuro from behind him held his shoulders. "Come, Tsunayoshi.. let me tour you to my world.."


"Kufufu.." the Mist chuckled as he towed Tsuna inside.

Tall and thick bushes engulfed Tsuna in and he grabbed the nearest person beside him, which happened to be Takeshi.

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