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Takeshi glanced back to check his phone as he waited under a lamp post.

It's been five minutes since Tsuna texted him that she's on her way already.

Not that he's tired of waiting.. No.. More like, he's already getting worried. He knows it's absurd since it's just 5 minutes, but what can you do? He's in love with Tsuna in every day that they spend together.

"Takeshi~" his worries halted when his ears picked out her voice from the crowd. His eyes immediately searched for her, and focused on one Fujioka Tsunayoshi walking towards him.

His vision seems to have some angels and roses in the background as he saw her almost floating in her light pink kimono. A pink hair ornament clipped her now shoulder-length hair back.

"Sorry for being late." she said huffing, but he didn't really hear much.

"You look like an angel, Tsuna.." he mumbled entranced, making the brunet blush. "You weren't late.. I just got here too early. Saa, let's go?"

He extended his arm to her, which she gladly looped hers. "Hai! This year's festival seems lively too!"


They walked around the stalls, playing around and enjoying themselves.

"You hungry, Tsuna?"

"Famished. Hahaha."

Tsuna tugged the ravenet to the sweets stalls. "I thought you were famished..? I thought takoyaki and some udon would be what you were looking for.."

"I am famished, but you know me.. Besides, I'm craving for sweets."

Takeshi just chuckled and let her pick whatever she likes.

They bought some taiyaki, cotton candies and ice cream.

Once done, they once again strolled the area when he noticed how Tsuna was eyeing something red.

"Want some, Tsuna?"

"N-no.. You already bought too much.."

"I can spare to spend some more on your sweet addictions, Tsuna." he rolled his eyes jokingly, wrapping his arm around her frame to steer her back to the sweets stand she was looking at.

"Two super sweet dango please." Takeshi ordered.

"Thank you, Takeshi~!" Tsuna beamed.

Takeshi wanted to muss her hair, but she looked too pretty in her hair ornament that he fought the urge to. Instead, he leaned down and kissed her. "You're welcome."

The brunet blushed, almost the same color as the red sweetened apple in her hands.




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