chapter 6

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He could hear the screams coming from the others and the laughter of the people infront.

" Do you see that. That will happen to you if you don't do as we say." The man in White said as he pointed a small knife to tsurugi's neck. "Now fuse with your avatar"

Tsurugi didn't say anything. He just kept his silence looking down, thinking until he finally spoke " fifth sector was the once who ordered us to never use this power again so why are you people...." Tsurugi didn't get to finish as the man stabbed him below his heart. Tsurugi screamed in pain his eyes turning red. His weak body trembling while the red liquid leeks down his pale skin.

" See this avatar" he said moving around the knife to different directions at the same spot. " Your master is hurt"

" Stop it..." Tsurugi begged. " Come out and save your master just like you did at the game." The man said as he pulled out the knife from the boys body.

" Stop it... I can't control it. If he awakens you'll die.." tsurugi's weak voice reached his ear yet he seemed like he didn't heard a thing. He smiled creepily and stabbed him again.

Kill him

Kill him...

I'll kill them all....

Tsurugi bit his lips cursing himself. His amber eyes turned dark by seconds.

A dark aura began to appear behind his back. " Yes! Yes! Come out and serve us you....." Suddenly a arrow shot him cutting him  in half dividing the body to two parts.

The red blood splashed through the floor and the boy yet he seemed not feared. He face showed no expression.

It hurts..... I'll kill them.... I'll kill them.... The one who gave me these pain and suffering... ILL KILL THEM ALL.

A dark energy arrow landed in the floor. Blood covering the arrow. The arrow belong to a avater but it was clearly....... Not tsurugi's.

Tsurugi looked to his right after hearing a few gun shots. A body of a boy.... A man holding a gun..... The red floor....

" Did you kill him?" A man entered the room. " Tsk, guess it couldn't be helped. Take him away"

A person died..... That was all tsurugi could understand. He couldn't think .... What happened?.... These questions never came to him.

Suddenly a hand grabbed his hair and pulled it up. " This method won't do. At this rate I'll end up killing the remaining two" the man who gave the order said. Dark purple hair with fair skin. Tsurugi could guess the situation from his words. Out of the five he saw here three lost control and died. Only he and another person is still alive.....alive...but until when?....

" Son do you fear death?" Tsurugi heard his ask. Of course the answer was yes but tsurugi had no intention of answering. He then let tsurugi go and pulled out the guy from his pocket.

He pointed it at tsurugi. " Death is a fearful thing but..." He then turned the gun towards the other boy and shot him. Tsurugi's eyes widened. " Someone can kill someone so easily" he then lifted tsurugi's chin with the gun pointing towards his neck. " I can kill you or someone precious to you in a second" he smirked before pointing towards tsurugi " and so can you"

He then turned. " The only difference is.... You won't even realize that you killed someone because you don't do it. The one who uses you to kill is that avatar of yours"

Tsurugi looked down. He was angry shocked. The man said no lie. It was the painful truth. Tsurugi could control his avater but the darkness fifth sector fed his avater was far two great. He could hurt anyone anytime but...

" Even so... There is no point realising it. It's pointless. I can't do anything about it" tsurugi whispered.

" Not necessarily" the man smirked. " Work for me and find the gems from the worlds and I'll help you". The man's words didn't make any sense. The gems? The world's?

" Let me introduce myself. I am jack nighray. I am not from around here. You see I have traveled far in order to get these priceless gems" he showed a green gem. It was no ordinary gem. It wasn't a gem was something else. " This is the gem that belongs to this area. Apparently while searching for it I came across your show and found out about your lovely little project. I had this kuroki guy help me to get you five but one will do. Help me and I will help you"

" How can I trust you. How can I know that you can help me" tsurugi asked. " Well first trust is business. If I get what I want I will reward you. Second these gems have power. Once I gain inaf gems they will grant you your wish. It's two kills in one actually. But it's not like you have a choice here my little boy" he put the gem back in the pocket " if you don't come with me now I'll just kill you"

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

" Tsurugi's gone? " Shindou asked worried. " It seems like he's been missing for 2 days now" kirino explained as temma a suddenly suprised them saying " okitawa"

" Okitawa? You mean that far away almost abandoned place?" Kariya asked. " How do you know if tsurugis there?" Shindou asked.

" I don't know but somehow..." Temma touched his chest " I know. It's like I'm connected to him in away"

" So we have finally fallen so low inaf to trust captions gut" kariya teased as kirino hit him.

" Then let's go to okitawa. I'll arrange it all " shindou said as the others smiled. " As expected from a rich boy. Make sure to have a good excuse to out families" hamano said.

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Tall trees all around and the ground green from all the grass. The navy blue boy took step to look around.

" Easier said than done. Just how in the world am I going to find a gem in this god knows where. It's like looking for a rock in a sea. " Tsurugi sighed as he looked at his hands.

Avatar fighters..... People who learned to control their avatars ....... The power to control it's darkness.

" I may be able to hold it for now but sooner or later I will go out of control......just like that day. " Tsurugi had a tint sadness in his eyes.


He heard a voice. His eyes returned to there cold state. " Sword sain lanslot" he called as his avater appeared.

" Fuse" he ordered as the avater again turned to aura and went inside the boy. Except this time it was from his front. A dark pattern wrote in his body.

It was a long time since he used this power. He didn't like to but had to him. For himself and the others. Tsurugi consecrated to his arm as dark aura came from his arm and took the shape of a beautiful sword.

He swag it around few times to get use to until finally stopped and took a deep breath. He took out the gem in his pocket.  " When im need it glows huh" tsurugi smirked. " Guess I'm near" he put the gem back and started running while holding his sword.

The villages looked so different yet the same. It felt weird for him. But for now he needs to focus on his mission. For now if he wants to keep on living on that peaceful life he had. This time was just for that. In order to keep living in happiness.....this was just a small sacrafice.

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