chapter 8

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He stood right back up and looked towards the gem. Still not glowing. Piece of junk.  He could only cure as a red liquid droped init from above.

He started at it for a while before reaching out for his neck. He looked back at his hand only to see it covered in red blood. " When did I ....?"

He didn't remember getting injuried so how ..... He then realized the silence coming from the ear phone.

He took it out of his ear only to see it disconnected from the wire to his phone. The wire was cut in two. " Well I guess that explains my wound. Great now I have a guy who wants to cut me following me" he sighed.

He then pulled out his phone and disconnected the wire. And brought out his avater. He created a small swords in to his hand before cutting himself.

He divided his skin before pulling out a tracker from his hand. He threw it to the river before covering his bleeding arm with a his shirt.

He went under a tree and sat down. " The gem stopped glowing. But it did before so it can only mean two things. First someone could have took it and moved somewhere else and second .....there was no such thing in the first place. " Tsurugi looked at the gem. " When that man showed up it stopped glowing and I got this wound" he touched his neck.

" But....... All he did was looked at me." Tsurugi slammed the gem on the ground. He did it a few times until it finally cracked open. " Tch like I thought a fake huh" inside was a small green bulb.

" Probably that man didn't know about this. The way he said it looked like he actually believed the story but that means...... The guy in the black huh." Tsurugi looked at the small bulb. " What was his intention...... What was he after...... Or is it a who......he couldn't have just did this to look at me right?" Tsurugi threw the gem.  Unless that's not all what he wanted from me. He was no doubt a avatar fighters. I sensed it hard.

I don't really get it myself but I get the feeling I'm not guessing the story completely.  " Tsurugi...." The voice startled him. He turned his face towards.

" Are you hurt?" He ran to him and sat infront before taking a look at his arm and then to his neck. " Temma?" Tsurugi whispered. So the one I sensed was temma?.

" What are you doing here?" Tsurugi asked as temma snapped. " My question exactly. What are you doing here? We were so worried you know." Hes eyes showed it well.

" I'm ....I'm sorry but you have to stay away from me" tsurugi said as he suddenly stood up. "I...... What if I hurt you?"

" Tsurugi.....?" Temma whispered in concern.  " I'm already loosing it. I could hurt you...... And that's the last thing I want to do right now" tsurugi said as he tried to leave  but felt numb by his legs.

" It's fine." The words temma spoke suprised him. " I'm not scared. If it deos come to that then I will stop you" temma said in his cheerful voice.

How can he say such a thing. Even after knowing what happened....... " Besides...... I think I might need your help" temma said as it cought his interest. Help? Why?  " Tsurugi there is something I need to tell you." Temma showed his serious impression.

" Before I found you...... When I was coming here with the rest I fell off a cliff and at that moment..... My avatar come out and protected me. I felt it... It was as if he was a person.... I heard him say that.... That ' I'll protect you no matter what' ."  Temmas story shocked tsurugi.

" We have to get back to rimon." Tsurugi said as temma just staired. " So I am awakening arn't I?" He questioned.

" It's not too late to stop it yet. We can...... " Tsurugi didn't finish as the sudden background turned black. It was like the air was just wapped from a black cloth.

" What's happening?" Tsurugi heard  temma say but after that he didn't hear anything. " Temma?" Tsurugi called out but no answer. He again called but nothing. He took a step in the dark intended to look for his friend but he couldn't see anything.

Nor didn't feel anything. " Temma" he called again but this time he got a response. ...... But it was not from the person he was hoping for. " Don't worry. You'll see him sooner then expected" tsurugi suddenly jumped away from the voice.

" Lanslot!" He called out his avater but before he could someone hit the back of his neck making him loos his consciousness.

Sorry for the late update. I'm seriously running out of ideas for this book so bear with it.

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