chapter 7

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Gems...... Wishes..... It's been a while since he started thinking this deep. Gems that grant wishes...... What is this a fairly tale. He couldn't help but to laugh at what he agreed.

But again he had no choice like the man said. If his words were true then ...... His wish was only to live with them like they use to. Happily.....

Tsurugi opened his eyes and staired to the ceiling. This place was like a abandoned forest. There were hardly any people. Small wooden houses that are almost at there edge to break apart. He had spent the night in such a place to get some rest but hardly got any. His regret for not saying anything to his about leaving filled his eyes.

Maybe they are worried. Maybe mom and dad still hasn't noticed. They are hardly home.... I wonder if temma and the others are looking for me. Truth To Be Told he was feeling lonely

He's out here in a far away place from home stuck to a unknown stranger. He deosent wanna die but didn't wanna be here.

" Well he did almost kill me though" tsurugi made quick smile as he touched his bandaged chest.  If it wasn't for lanslot I probably would have died from blood lost.

Natural energy. Energy that people realise and when they take shape they are called avaters. Natural energy is strength.  To body and to mind.

I want to go home. I'm hungry he's peaceful days vanished just like that. The days he spend with his teammates laughing.... Will that day come again.

He then touched his hand. There was a red light coming inside his hand. Just who in the world deos he think he is ... Cutting me when he feels like it adding trackers into my body.

"With him watching my every step" tsurugi stood up. " .....I have to be careful"
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

" What's wrong temma?" Shindou asked concerned of the burnet.  " Ah... No it's nothing" temma gave him his cheerful smile before walking to kirino.

I feel weird. It's like something inside me is moving or...I don't get it...what this feeling.... Why can I sense tsurugi like the one I sense isn't tsurugi. It's his avater. Temmas thoughts ran wild before they came to okitawa. The place was a mess as the rumors. The abandoned town was almost like a forest.  Tsurugi is here.

Temma could very well feel his friend but couldn't point out the place. But above all what bothered them the most was that.... " Why is tsurugi in a place like this?" Temma asked concerned of his friend. Did something happen to him?. Is he alive.?  Is he ok?

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Tsurugi suddenly stopped at his track. What he just felt was that.... " What's wrong?" The man asked through the communicater.  The long pause was there until he answered. " No. Its nothing"

If I'm not mistaken then what I'm senseing is temmas and shindous avater. But why are they here.... They couldn't have come looking for me right?... No no it can't be. Even if they did how did they pinpoint the exact locations. I don't think I have a tracker inside me other than that guys. So if I can think of some other way that is.....

Tsurugi froze.  Could they have sensed me?... But how... someone.... Was there a avater fighter within us that I didn't know?.. no that's not possible. If there is one I could have at least sensed a difference. Tsurugi looked at the gem in his hand. It was glowing shiner. Unless.... There wasn't one but someone awakening...

He stopped thinking as he came across a river. The current was pretty strong as well. The gem glowed more. " That's it. Down the river" the man screamed in the ear phone. " Now go get it"

" No" tsurugi flat out rejected him. " I can't swim"

" Huh what are you?... Do something and get my gem or you know what will happen." He threatened but.." yeah yeah. I'll kill you blah blah blah but if I jump in there it will be no difference" tsurugi said as he pointed to.the heavy current.

Then tsurugi took a few steps to get a look at the bottom of the river when the gem stopped glowing. ..... Why? " It stopped glowing?  Why?" Tsurugi could only question himself.

Alone.... Tsurugi touched his head in pain. His legs giving in. I don't want to be alone.... His eyes switched colours.  His amber eyes slowly started to turn blood red. A man wearing a black clok was there infront. A face he didn't know. He couldn't see. Who was it? His eyes again returned to amber with the man disappearing.

The pain in his head suddenly went away as tsurugi dropped to his knees. Sweat dripping from his body. Hes breath not as light as before, not as relaxed as before. Tsurugi took a deep breath before slamming his fist in to the group. " Dame it"

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