Don't make a noise//Connor x Reader [ smut ]

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This was requested : "can you do a x reader where the reader is hanks daughter and it's a lemon?"




You were in your room watching Netflix in your shorts and a plain shirt. You took off your headphones and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. You saw the window glass shattered all over the floor. You slipped due to the alcohol on the floor. You fell cutting your leg with the glass.

"Fucking hell!" you shouted.

You heard your dad rushed in as Connor followed. You and Connor were somewhat close friends he would sometimes sneak in through your window and vent to you about his personal problems at work. Of course, your dad didn't know about this.

"Y/n oh my fucking god are you hurt sweetie?" Your dad asked as he lowered himself on one knee to inspect your leg.

"May I take a look at it?"
Connor asked staring right at your eyes. You blushed a bit while looking somewhere else.

"N-no I'm fine–" before you could finish your sentence Connor carried you to the coach placing you carefully and gently.

Hank sat right next to you looking at how bad your cut was.
"Ah I'm sorry honey do you need anything?" He asked truly worried. Connor approached you with some bandages wrapping your leg up so the cut could stop bleeding.

"Let me know if it still hurts." Connor asked.

"It's feels a lot better now that your here." Connor looked up at you a light blush on his cheek to your response.

"Now don't you go falling for my daughter you motherfucker!" Hank slapped Connor's back.

You only chuckled rolling your eyes.
Connor looked at the time and looked back at Hank.

"Lieutenant we have that mission to do at the Eden club. Y/n will you be alright on your own?" He said standing up prepared to leave.

You nodded. He let out a light smile and Hank got up.
"Take care of yourself sweetie bye and no leaving the house!" Hank kissed your forehead and opened the door while Connor followed. He waved at you and you waved back.

Hank started the car as Connor entered.
"Lieutenant, what do I do if I think I love someone?"
Connor asked while Hank turned on the car.

"Well I guess you tell her as soon as possible."

"Then what acts should I do to clarify these emotions?"

Hank only turned his head to face Connor annoyed at his questions.

"I don't fucking know kiss her, hug her, have sex with her or something you know she'll enjoy. Fucking look it up"

"Duly noted"


You petted Sumo while yawning. It was currently 11:30 and Your dad still hasn't arrived, but you were use to him doing that. You heard light taps on your window. It was Connor. You opened the window allowing Connor to come in.

"Connor hey what's up–" he interrupted you by placing his hands on both your cheeks kissing you passionately causing you to fall back on your bed. You kissed back. He pulled away to let you catch your breath.

"I'm sorry if I didn't kiss you correctly Ive never done this before." He noted. You chuckled.

"There isn't a right or wrong way on kissing someone Connor!" You placed your hand on his cheek and the other hand on his shoulder. He wrapped his hands around your waist. His light switching from yellow to blue.

Connor x Reader one-shots !! / DETROIT:BECOME HUMANWhere stories live. Discover now