The Music In Me (Riley)

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Hello followers!

It's been forever since the Love In Us has been updated. Like F O R E V E R.

At first I thought it was writer's block but I was lying to myself. I know what to write, I just got lazy. And I found my other books much more interesting/ fulfilling.

Which means it's finally that time.


I will be unpublishing The Music In Me (first story of Riley) and doing some deep revisions. I want to elevate the plot and strengthen it. I am always trying to better myself and my stories, so that it remains improved, entertaining, and fresh!

After that one is done, I'll get started on revising the sequel and I sincerely hope this will help me finish off Riley's story for you guys. It might be better for you to reread the first book but only of you choose of course. There will be more scenes of Riley with his family, more scenes focusing on the hardship of poverty, and more emotional moments with Nathan. Their ages might change. You'll also find out who i picked for Riley's voice how exciting ;*

Thanks. Hope you understand and bear with me!

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