❗️Campus Crush Bonus Scenes❗️

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Hello! I was gonna make a video discussing this but I'm way too awkward so here we go! (I did put a picture of me instead sksksks)

There may be spoilers below if you haven't read the first story ‼️

I'm creating a book where bonus scenes from the Campus Crush series will be added. And all you lovely people get the chance to tell me what you wanna see!

In other words, moments that weren't included in any of the Campus books will be in this new book. Each chapter will be a different scene from anyone's point of view and from any point in time (past or future).

The best part of ALL of this is that YOU tell me what you want to read in detail. For example, I know some people wanna know how David woke up from surgery. Or maybe you'd like to know what really happened when Ava pushed Casper off that balcony in middle school? Heck, are you curious about what David's life was like a year before he met Casper? Or when he found out about his tumor? Do you want me to conjure up David and Casper's first argument? (Boy that would be fun wouldn't it) Do you want something in Nash's point of view, Ava's, Dani's—whatever the case may be. I gotchu!!

So it could be anything! I really do feel like these characters and this series in general are the best I've created, and I can't let go of them.

I will be publishing the first scene soon, so I'll let you guys know when it's out. Teaser— it's a scene of Casper during high school. Then you guys just comment what you wanna see, and it has to be within reason :)

This is going to be epic. Thank you guys! Can't wait yeee! 🙌🏽

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