Chapter 42: Execution Day

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The evening of the execution Keel rose and dressed early. I hid under the blankets, half-asleep and half-pretending to be because I was tired of all the arguing, the useless pleading. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were before Ephraim's return. Maybe after this horrible day, we could start moving in the right direction again.

Before Keel left for the throne room and whatever preparations he had to do in advance of tonight's main event, he came and shook my shoulder, forcing me to acknowledge him.

"What?" I said sleepily, hoping he would take the hint.

"Regardless of what you see today, remember I am not your enemy. If I was, your father would not be standing in for you. But I also cannot stop this. Not with our world already under as much threat as it is."

"I know," I said in flat resignation. I'd been feeling it for more than a day, but had continued to fight on principle.

"One more thing. I know you find this distasteful, you've told me every way possible, but when we're down in the arena, you cannot close your eyes or look away. My people will see that as a sign of weakness, and that is something we can't allow. Your father may think this is about marks and displays, but it's much more about reactions. I need you to act like you belong in the box of a Nosferatu king. If you behave like a human, you'll really make yourself a pet in their eyes. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"And remember, if I give you a command today, either in public or private, you obey. For your own safety."

"I won't forget. You've told me enough times."

Keel rose from the bed. "Perhaps, but it's important, and you have a habit of letting your emotions get in the way."

I wanted to say, "So do you." But Keel's emotions were as much responsible for the parts of him I liked as the parts I disliked, and he wouldn't appreciate being reminded of how they set him apart from the rest of his people. Not today of all days.

"I'll watch myself," I said instead.

"Thank you. Boras and Arthos will come by to escort you downstairs when it's time.

I stayed in bed for twenty more minutes after he left, attempting to steel myself for the massacre to come. Ritual and appearances were all important in Nosferatu society, and today I could choose to be an ally or a bleeder. It all depended on how unflinchingly I could watch a series of murders. Calculus finals seemed positively quaint and blissful compared to tests like these. 

By the time I got dressed, I was almost convinced I'd be able to pull it off without weeping or puking or looking too green. As a screw-you to my father, I wore the dress Keel gave me beneath my robes. I would not reveal it; I didn't dare foul up this day for Keel, but the simple act of rebellion made me feel a little better about all the crap my father's return had brought into my life.

I swept my hair up into a loose bun, fixed myself a snack - nothing big enough to cause a scene if my gorge rose, but some sustenance to stave off any unwanted dizziness - and waited for my escorts to arrive. The whole time I felt envious of my old friends, the kind of escorts they waited for brought them to places like prom. I'd never get any of that now. I was the type of girl who went to executions.

Arthos and Boras picked me up right on time. Instead of heading directly to the arena, they swung by Keel's former room to collect Bruce and my father. Both were dressed in standard Nosferatu tactical suits. Bruce had adjusted to the new clothes with ease, while Ephraim walked like they clung to him in a hundred ways he couldn't bear. Well, we might as well both be uncomfortable, I thought. 

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