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"Julie.", her cold hand grasped my shoulder. I shuddered at her touch, I began to fill myself up with anger and disgust. It ate me up, I no longer had an appetite. "Goodbye Lilia.", I said blankly and walked away from the place I had once called home.

I walked and walked. I had not one idea of where I was going. Part of me wanted to turn around and walk back home. But I couldn't, I wouldn't let Lilia get the satisfaction of knowing she was right. My whole body felt numb but I continued on.

"Fuck.", I looked around at my surroundings, young men scattered around in the cool night. Shouting or fighting with one another for no exact reason. Their hair slicked back to the touch. I was in the greaser's territory.

I faced down and started to speed walk. God knows what they'd do to me. I made my way into the park and sat down on one of the vacant benches. What do I do now? I kicked myself out of my own house and I have no money. I'm a dumbass.

"What are you doin' here?", a young man asks. I examine him, he had long, greasy, brown hair, and eyes that told a story. "What's it to you?", I ask taking a long gulp. I was nervous but I had to act tough. "Relax.", he said rolling his eyes.

I slowly breathe and lay back on the bench. "Uh, have a seat?", I say questionably. He chuckles to himself and sits down next to me. "You're a Soc.", he states. "You're a greaser.", I say rolling my eyes. He stares at me for a hot minute.

"Well, why exactly are you here?", he asks awkwardly. I look down at my lap. "I ran away from home.", I state. "Why?", "It's too much to explain and I'm way too tired.", I lie. "And where exactly do you plan on sleeping?", he asks crossing his arms.

I look at the bench I was sitting on. "Don't tell me your sleeping on this dump of a bench. You'll be killed without a doubt.", he says as if I was a kid. I shrug. "Come on.", he says as he rises up from the bench. "Where are you going?", I ask. "Home, and your coming with me.", he states.

"Excuse me. I'm not fucking you.", I state while crossing my arms. "Such words coming from a pristine girl.", he smirks at me. I roll my eyes and say, "I'm not that pristine.". He laughs quietly and says, "Don't worry, I'm not that type.", I smile weakly.

"What's your name?", I ask as we walk down the sidewalk. "Ponyboy Curtis.", he states. "Special name you've got there.", I say. "I guess.", he shrugs. "What's your name?", he asks back. "Julie Greene.", I state. He nods.

"Got any siblings?", he asks, I nod, "My older sister , Lilia, she's a bitch.", I state. "Do you have any siblings?", I ask. "Two of em. I'm the youngest.", he says. I nod at him. We walk in silence for the rest of the walk. Although it was quiet, it was a comforting kind of quiet.

We finally reach his home. It was small but cozy. "Go on in.", he says quietly smiling at me. I nod. Two boys are sprawled out on the couch asleep. "Those are my brothers.", he states. "I'll introduce you to them in the morning.", he says I nod. "You don't mind sleeping in my room do you?", he asks, I nod no.

"You can take a shower if you want.", he says nonchalantly. "I can't.", I state. "What do you mean?", he asks, narrowing his eyes. "I didn't walk with anything to wear.", I state looking down awkwardly. He coughs and then says, "You can wear one of Darry's shirts for now. My friend Cherry, can bring you something tomorrow morning.", he states.

My eyes start to widen. Cherry. Cherry Valance. "Do you mean Cherry Valance?", I ask. He nods at me, "You know her?", he asks. I nod, "I'm one of her friends.", I state. For once I was relieved, Cherry would understand everything.

I step into the small shower. I turnt the knob with my stiff hands. The scorching water began to touch my limp body. It felt good. I felt clean. The dirt of the day had been finally washed away. I began to soak my brown hair with the water. It felt good.

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