The next day

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Chan FaceTimes Soonyoung

Chan FaceTimes Soonyoung

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Chan: hey hyung

Soon: hi

Chan: Um...I wanted to apologize about not going to see the sunset with you the other day. I didn't know it meant so much to you. I admit, they are pretty beautiful lol

Soon: no it's fine. Like you said, it's not that important. We can just see it any day...

Chan: hyung, are you okay? You haven't really been yourself lately...

Soon: I'm's just...okay, I need to ask you something.

Chan: okay. What's up?

Soon: we'll it's kinda like I need some advice...for a friend.

Chan: oh? Well okay 😊

Soon: so one of my friends likes his close friend. Like, they've been friends for years and he has been throwing hints about his crush but his friend just doesn't seem to understand. No matter what he does, his friend just doesn't seem to get it.

Chan: well, hm, that sucks. But I don't think he should give up. He should try confessing. Has he tried that?

Soon: yeah somewhat. But it's like every time he starts to, he gets nervous and says it in a joking type of way so he's never taken serious.

Chan: yikes. Does his friend like him back?

Soon: he likes him as a close friend and brother but romantically he's not sure but he hopes?

Chan: well I really hope your friend gets the guts to confess one day 😊 I'm rooting for him! ✊🏻

Soon: haha yeah...

Chan: anyway, I wanted to make up for the other day. Want to go to the movies? There's an early screening of Love, Simon and I REALLY wanna see it. Wanna go with me?


Chan: cool. I'm at the dance studio on campus now, but I'll head back over to the dorm to shower and then we can head out.

Soon: okay! See you soon!

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