My name is Annabeth Chase. Call Me Annie.

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Hi! My name is Annabeth Chase, but its okay if you call me Annie. My daddy says im special. He says that all the mean people who come after me are normal for kids like me. All i really know is im dyslexic and i think i have something called ADHD.

That makes it really hard for me to sit still. And to read. But i love reading so i try my bestest to read anyway. Mommy and Daddy say they have things that can help me, so i try to fix it.

My mommy and daddy say im really smart. Well, she isnt really my mommy, shes my step-mom. But shes really nice so i just call her Mommy.

My parents make sure that all the bad guys go away. And the spiders. I hate spiders. Theyre like eight legged demons. They seem to like me though. They always come into my room at night and wait for me to go to sleep. And then, when they think im asleep, they crawl all over me. I usually wake up covered in bites.

My mommy has a hard time believeing me, but she does. I think.

My daddy bought ne a book about greek buildings once. I didnt have such a hard time reading that one, so i figure i must be getting better. But i like looking at all the buildings. The way theyre built is really cool!

I like to build. I like building so much that i have ten sets of legos! Sometimes Mommy gets upset when i leave them out, but thats just because im kinda messy.

My daddy works a lot, but mommy says thats normal. She says that my real mommy made daddy upset, so sometimes he remembers that hes upset and gets worked up. But thats okay because he forgets that hes upset a lot.

I know he loves me.

But i really wanna know who my real mommy is. I saw her and she gave me a hat once. I dont like it all that much but Daddy says i should keep it and use it when the meanies come.

Someday, im gonna find out who she is. Just watch.

A/N: short chapter but i wanted to introduce Annabeths version of the universe. She actually has a good life! But the monsters and spiders dont stop. Oh well. At least her step mom is nice for once.
How are you guys liking it so far? Not that many people are reading this one right now but thats okay. Im hoping it gains popularity, but i did just start writing so im not getting my hopes up too soon
Fun reading my cookies ❤

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