The Big Dog That Wouldnt Leave

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So I'm gonna run away.

Dont believe me? Just watch.

Ive been running for a few days now. Im not actually sure how long but i saw a big doggie today. She was big and black. Im not sure who she belonged to, but she wouldnt leave me alone.

Usually i can get rid of animals. I always wanted a puppy, but Mommy told me that Smelly Gabe was allergic to puppies.

I wanted one even more after she said that.

But because of Smelly Gabe, we never got a puppy. So i walked up to the big puppy. She just tried to bite me though. She kept trying to scratch me and she did a few times. I cried a little bit, but made sure i backed away.

She looked like maybe she was from hell or something. Thats a word i heard Smelly Gabe use all the time. And the people on TV. I think its like a really dirty bathtub, because i cant think of anything worse than a bath.

Well, Smelly Gabe's socks are bad.

And his punches. He hits hard for a fat person.

I tried petting the doggy but she really hated me. And then she tried to attack me. I think she thought i was a hamburger.

I would attack a hamburger.

So i jumped into a river to avoid being a Percy-burger. It was flowing really really strong, and the puppy couldnt get across. I tried my hardest and the water moved out of my way.

There was a girl in a dress at the bottom of the river. She winked at me, so I smiled back.

I finally got across the river. My clothes were really wet and i didnt know where to go. I started crying, and wandered around the city. People kept asking if i was okay, but i didnt know where i was going. I didnt have my mommy with me.

The city was really really big, and nothing seemed like it was okay for me. My mommy usually always told me where to go, even in New York. Amd without my mommy i had no idea what to do. I just walked and walked, crying a little bit.

Until i walked into a wall.

I backed up rubbing my nose and stared angrily at the bricks.

"Why did you do that, wall?" I asked it, but it didnt respond. "That wasn't very nice." I huffed like id seen the other kids at my schools do whenever they hit each other with legos.

I dont understand legos. You cant do anything useful with them. I like swimming instead. And bath time, but not like baths. I like the water.

I stared at the wall still, scolding it. But then i saw a huge shadow and i turned around and there was this egyptiann thingy behind me. I didnt know what it was but it scared me. It looked like it had a people face, but a kitty body.

I shrank against the wall. I learned to do that with the bullies at school, and with big, Smelly, Gabe. The kitty-human's eyes followed me. Shrinking didnt help me. So i started to whimper. I started crying too.

The human kitty was about to eat me. Scoop me right up into its horrible mouth, and chew me up. I had heard adults say i was cute enough to eat. Was this what they meant?

Just before the human kitty could put me in its mouth, a blond boy showed up. He was like a ninja. I like ninjas.
He stabbed the kitty human with his sword. He stabbed it and it disappeared, poof, gone.

"Sphinx's," he said looking at the ground. Then he saw me.

He had a girl with him, but girls are icky. I dont like any girls and i never will, because they have soft skin and you cant play with them like you can play with boys. Boys let you chase them, and they dont cry if they fall. Girls cry all the time.

The girl had choppy black hair, and she looked older. She scared me, because she was wearing a lot of black. It was like all she owned was black.

"Hey...kid," the blond dude asked me. He looked like a surfer. He looked cool. "What did you just see?"

I sniffed. I didnt want to cry, but i did. I cried harder. "I-i-i saw a k-kitty human a-and then you st-stabbed it with your sword, a-and then it turned to dust."

The girl moves quickly to me. I though she was gonna hit me for crying, so i trued to stop but i couldnt. "I-im sorry im cr-crying I'll try t-to be quieter." I apologized really quick like i did with Gabe.

"No, sh, sh, its okay." She said it really soft. I looked up at her, and she looked really nice. Like my mommy. She knew what to say to me right away. "Im Thalia," shs says pointing at herself. "And this is Luke." She points at the blond surfer.

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