I Dont Want To Be A Half-Blood

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"Im Thalia," shs says pointing at herself. "And this is Luke."

Thalia and Luke stared at me. I told them about Smelly Gabe and i told them that i had run away frim him and his Smelly friends.

"Whats your name, kid?" Thalia asked me after i finished my story. She was nice like that. She knew how to wait.

"Percy," i said back, smiling "Percy Jackson."

"Well Percy, you're what we call, a Half-Blood." I must have looked confused because she laughed and explained. "Have you heard of the gods?"

"Y-you mean like Jesus?" I asked. I went to church a few times a year. Liek at Christmas and Easter.

"No, no," Thalia shook her hands no "like.... Like Zeus and Poseidon. Have you heard about them?"

"Oh! You mean the cool dude who can control the oceans and he makes eartquakes!" I say shake my hands like an earthquake.

"Yeah, Jas- Percy. Just like that one. Well," Thalia smiled at me, while Luke sat on the side. He smiled too, but he just didnt talk. "guys like Poseidon, theyre gods. Greek gods. And they're real. And sometimes, they have kids with humans."

"Have you ever heard of Hercules?" Luke finally interjected. "Well, he was a son of Zeus and a mortal. And we, you, me, and Thalia here, all three of us, are kids of those gods too. Im the son of Hermes. And Thalia is a duaghter of Zeus. Like Hercules."

"Wh-who am i a son of?" I asked, looking up at Luke. "Ive never met my real daddy, but my mommy said he was handsome. She met him on a beach."

"I dunno, kid. Guess we'll have to wait and see if we can find out." Luke ruffled Percy's hair.

Luke looked at Thalia. "Thals, we cant just leave him here." He said " He's one of us. The attacks are just going to get worse."

"I know, i know." Thalia looked at me worried. "But with so many of us...will more of them come?" She looked at Luke concerned.

"Its a risk we have to take." Luke responded. He wouldnt take no for an answer. I could tell he was a good guy.

"Alrigh Jas- P-Percy," Thalia stumbled over my name again. "We're gonna take you with us."

"You're...You're not going to take me back to my family? Promise?" My voice came out small. I didnt want to go back.

Luke put his hand on my shoulder. "You're part of our family now. And i promise i wont let anything hurt you. Im not going to fail you like our families did us. Deal?" Luke was being real nice. He even smiled at me.

"Deal." I smiled up at him. He mafe me smile. And then i turned to Thalia, because she had been talking and i wanted her to finish. 

"You have to help us fight monsters. Theyre only gonna get stronger. But so will we." Thalia looks at me, a strong determination in her eyes. I cant help but smile more.

"But...I dont want to fight anything anymore." I look up at them scared.

"Here," Luke reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small sword. "Its a dagger. You can have it. Use it to kill only the bad guys okay. The bad guys deserve it."

I took the small sword. "O-okay." I grabbed Thalia's hand. She seemed kinda shocked but she relaxed.

"Alright boys," she said walking out of the ally i had walked into. "Lets go."

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