t w o ; seungcheol

448 30 23

    "When did Chan get so cute?"

    "One, how would I know? Two, that makes you sound so fucking creepy. Three, he's always been cute," Jeonghan says without looking up from his phone. He seems annoyed by my sudden question, but seriously, it can't possibly just be me.

    I look over to see what has him so occupied and notice he's texting someone. The contact name reads, 'Jisoo💕' and it seems like Jeonghan really likes talking to him seeing how many messages are there.

  "Who're you texting?" I ask out of curiosity. Maybe it's his boyfriend, or a crush, or something else. Whoever it is it seems like he likes him.

    He blushes and hides his phone immediately. "It's none of your goddamn business! Instead of worrying about my love life you should worry about yours and finding your soulmate or whatever!" My smile drops at the mention of my soulmate. I've always been really sensitive about that so it's not really his fault.

     Jeonghan notices and apologizes. "It's fine," I sigh. "I mean, you're right. For how much I stress about having a soulmate and stuff I should spend more time actually looking for them." Before he can say any more "sorry"s Chan returns from the restroom.

    "Cheol?" he suddenly speaks after a moment of silence, which is rare between the three of us. "Are you feeling ok? You seem . . . you're just really quiet," he says. He's always been the type to pick up on little things.

    "He's fine, just sad our ice cream and stuff hasn't come," Jeonghan explains for me. I guess in a way he isn't wrong since I'm very excited for my strawberry parfait.

    We always come to the same dessert shop on Fridays after school. Most times Jeonghan will tag along, other times it's Mingyu, maybe even Junhui, but it's always been me and Chan no matter what. We usually only come on Fridays, but Chan insisted on coming today since he had a bad day. What a crappy way to start off the school week.

    "What? It's still not here? Should I go complain to them?" Chan asks. "It's been like thirty minutes! It never  takes this long!" He stands up before Jeonghan or I can stop him. He's very confident and knows what he wants and when he wants it; I've always really loved that about him.

    He comes back with a smile on his face. "They said they'd give us and extra slice of cake for the long wait," he says, clearly satisfied with himself. I chuckle and pat his back as a thanks, noting the small pink tinting his high cheekbones.

    We eat our desserts quickly, each of us happy with them. We finish sooner than usual because midway through our dine Jeonghan says he has someone to meet. Probably that Jisoo guy, I think to myself with a smirk.

    "Thanks for spending time with me. See you at school!" Jeonghan says before departing for his special date time. I asked about it and he confirmed that he was indeed going to see Jisoo.

    I look over at Chan who's playing a game on his phone absentmindedly. "So," I say, "should we go somewhere? Or do you just wanna go home?" I secretly hope he'll want to spend more time with me. It's not late, only 15:43.[A/N: I'll use military time for the whole series so you should look up what it is if you don't already know just so you won't be too confused]

    He thinks for a second before answering, "How about we go to that one store? With the cute notebooks and stuff?" I nod, happy that he wants to hang out with me more, and we walk to the place he mentioned.

    He spends a surprisingly long time just looking around at the cute pencils, and cute erasers, and cute notebooks, and every other cute thing there. He fits in so well, I think, since he's so cute himself. I don't know when I started to think this way. I've known Chan ever since he was born and I've always thought he was cute in the way a small puppy was; innocent, young, and eager. They still apply to him, but it's different somehow. He just seems . . . cute in a sexy way? I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Fucking hormones.

    "Should I get these?" I hear him ask. I look up to see him holding a cute pink and blue notebook, three MONO erasers, all in different shades of pastels, and a light purple mechanical pencil. Even his preferences in stationary are cute.

    "How much is all that?" I ask curiously. I have my wallet on me so I'll pay for half no matter what.

    The notebook is eight dollars, the erasers are one dollar each, and the pencil is five dollars. That's sixteen dollars then," he calculates.

    "Well if you know you'll use it then you should get it. I'll pay for half."

    "No, you don't have to do that."

    "Oh shush, you're practically broke," I say as we walk to the cash register. I pay for half, like I said I would, and we leave the store. Chan smiles widely as he looks at all his newly purchased items. Really, when did he get so freaking adorable?

   "Thanks for hanging out with me, Cheol." I nod my head as my thoughts are racing, the subject of them making my face warm.

    "Uh, let me walk you home," I say before he leaves. He nods and we start walking to his house. He lives with his parents since they're not far from the school. My grandparents live close to the school as well, but I chose to live in the dormitories because I wanted a taste of freedom. Chan, however, thought it'd be best to spend as much time possible with his family. Maybe that was smart of him considering how much I miss my grandparents and their strange habits.

"I'm home Mom!" Chan's voice echoes through the house as we walk inside, taking our shoes off beforehand.

"How was your date-" she pauses as she spots me. She blushes and instead says, "How was your time hanging out together?" Did he tell her it was a date? I don't feel weird about that for some reason.

"Uh, it was good," Chan speaks after another short pause. "We got some stuff at that one really cute place that sells pencils and stuff." His mom seems to chirp up from hearing about the shop.

"How delightful! Ah, Seungcheol, would you like to stay for dinner?" She always makes the best food. I only seem to realize after she asks that an amazing scent is wafting in from the kitchen. Good thing she went to culinary school.

"Sure. I don't have to be at the dorms until eight," I respond with a smile.

Chan and I head to his room to relax by ourselves for a bit before dinner. His room has the same feel as before. It has dark blue and white as a color scheme, pops of other colors making their own appearances here and there.

"Ugh, it's so hot nowadays," Chan says before taking his sweater off. I hold my breath, expecting to his his Jewel. Sadly, he has a cover over it. He didn't use to cover it, he would just chose to not show it off. He must feel even more self conscious about it than he had before. That doesn't stop me from looking at the skin surrounding his Jewel.

"Have you been working out?" I ask. "You have a some abs now."

He blushes before nodding. "You know how training can be. I mean, if I'm gonna be an idol I wanna look good."

I nod and lay on his bed comfortably. We continue talking about random things, waiting patiently for his mom to finish cooking downstairs.

"Chan," I say after we talk about a random video game coming out soon.


"What did you do to become so cute?"

i kinda hate this chapter.. i guess chancheol isn't my strong suite... luckily jihan is next cause i really love me some soft jihan

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