The Story of Her

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Once upon a time

There happened a terrible crime

It is an unpleasant story

Filled with agony and worry

But please do not bail!

Let me tell the tail

Of how the little girl grew very frail

Her skin looking every so pale

As red trickled down with great hurry

Her eyes slowly became blurry

While horrible anguish entrapped her with great grief

But to never find relief

She was doomed with enless pain

Forever in her pain or forever to lie slain

The choice in her hand

She could not wait to reach dry land

Running through the halls

Blood forms in puddles as it falls

Distress had painted the walls of her mind

Knowing peace was something she would never find

Screams burts through her lips 

Unable to bear she slips

She lay on the cold ground

Crumbling to pieces a mound

To much

All she wanted was an end

But she could never med

She still remains on thr ground

Trying to block out the sound

Her screams are heard for miles

Far from all the smiles

Her blood is still making piles

Upon pail skin and white tiles

Tears stream down her face

She dragged the knife across her skin looking for grace

Sorrow overwhelming as she continues bleeding

Only to be left forever weeping

Helpless and alone

Unable to bear it on her own

She dragged it a little deeper this time

And as her eyes fluttered shut she whispered goodbye

With a smile on her lips she departed

That was when her real life started



BTW this was taken from my quotev account... im stupid and I lost my password and shit for their and I can't get into my email so I just have to put all my quotev shit on here now I guess....

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