Too old for games

15 8 1

Those shadows on my walls,

Created by my own hand,

Definied by the street lamp outside my window.

A trio of stings,

That hangs above my bed,

Braided by my fingers long ago.

Played games,

To pass the time when I can't sleep,

Due to certain diseases that make me unable.

Depression, Insomnia,

Keeping me up into the late hours of the night.

Twirling strings around my fingers.

Left over,

Right over.

Twirling fingers to make shapes.

Watching the pictures dance on my walls,

Till the street light shut off,

Along with my mind.

Peaceful sleep impossible to find.

Braided cords, and shadow puppet.

Games you play to pass the time.

No need for the trio of strings,

The shadows on my walls,

No need for trying.

Sometimes I feel old, too old for games.



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