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If anyone is actually reading this story, I apologise for taking so long to actually update it. Onto to other, more devastating news. SHADOWHUNTERS HAS BEEN CANCELLED. WTF FREEFORM. AND IN PRIDE MONTH TOO! THAT SUCKS FREEFORM!

I'm actually so sad about it. The show was and will always be one of the best to ever be made. It is so good!

But for now, here is a preview of the upcoming chapter in this story. I hope you enjoy <3

[Inside the Institute]

"IZZY HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOOTS?" Called Allison, throwing her shoes all over the bedroom floor. A laugh could be heard from down the hall, followed by the sound of heels clicking on the hard wood floor. "Have you checked under the bed? questioned the tanned girl, placing a perfectly manicured hand on her hip. The brunette sheepishly smiled at her parabatai before sliding under the bed and emerging moments later, boots in hand. Chuckling, she slid them on her legs and zipped them up.

"JACE" She shouted, waiting for her boyfriend to appear  in front of her. Seconds later, the blonde entered the room, eyes gazing around the shoe covered floor. "What is it babe?" he asked, placing his hands delicately around her waist. The girl relaxed  at her boyfriends touch before spinning around to face him. "zip me up?" she questioned, moving her hair out of the way. Jace smiled  at the small girl before zipping up her black dress and planting  a kiss on the tender skin of her neck. Allison let out a giggle at the sudden contact before pulling her hair back into place and doing her make up.

"ALLY LET'S GO ALREADY" Yelled the older Lightwood sibling. See the thing is, Alec is not known for his patience and it certainly shows just before a mission. The girl pushed the mascara wand back into the bottle before jumping out of her chair and running down the hallway. She met the three Shadowhunters in the weapons room and grabbed her things. Steele, Seraph blade, bow and arrow and her signature Chinese ring daggers. She put  her blade and daggers in her boots, bow and quiver across her back before activating her invisibility rune. Linking her hand with Jaces', the four left the institute.

Brunette Beauty // Jace HerondaleWhere stories live. Discover now