Chapter 3

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It was a slow day a work which allowed Lacy time to sit and daydream about the handsome man she had checked in this morning. Unfortunately the slow day gave her time to think about the problem she was going to have to deal with after work.

Lacy had an appointment at Mercy General Hospital with one of the doctors there. She had been having quite a few symptoms for the last few months. Her first check up the doctors took blood and did the usual work up including a pregnancy test. She sure did not think she would be pregnant since she was on the pill. "Besides, she thought, how many times did we make love? He could not stay home long enough to make Lacy feel loved. Oh well, she thought, I just want to get this over with." She was upset that they had put her off for 3 days. "For goodness sakes, how long does it take to get blood work back?" At least she would find out today, she thought. At the same time she felt somewhat apprehensive about the outcome because some of her symptoms were severe. Truthfully, she was afraid.

About that time Mindy popped back in from errands and started teasing her again about her secret admirer. "Don't you want to know who it is?" she ask. "I don't think I do Mindy. It would only complicate things right now. I have got to get over Josh and get this health issue taken care of before adding anything else to the mix. Be patient; I want to know as bad as you; just not right now." she said, laughing. One could tell that the laugh was just a little forced.

Lacy had not been herself for sometime.Severe stomach pains, some vomitting, and loss of appetite. Anyone who knew her could tell she had not felt well. Her color was not as good as it had been and she had lost some weight. Lacy was a bit petite and just right. She could  not afford to lose too much weight.

It was at times like this that she missed her Mom the most. They were very close, or atleast Lacy thought they were. But when her Mother met Jack, she seemed to lose all of her perspective. She almost became a different person. She knew she loved her but she also knew she was no longer first in her life. He was the most important. He didn't hit her when her Mom was alive but he was cold to her when her Mom was not around. So it was all an act.

All of that is in the past and Lacy made up her mind when she left that she had to leave the past behind. The loss of her Mother almost killed her and the fact that Jack felt everything including what was in the house was his, made her sick. When he started hitting her that was it; she had to leave. Even though she lost Josh she now had new friends at work and at Church and life was not so bad. Or it wouldn't be once she had the business of her health finished.

Mindy trained her for the job at the resort. She didn't need a lot of training since she had studied business in school. They say "opposites attract" and that seemed to be the case with Mindy and Lacy. Lacy was very prim and proper, with a good sense of humor. She loved curling up with a good book or movie, among other things. But Mindy was a loud bundle of energy who loved to be outside around lots of people. Being together, they sort of balanced out each other. They became best friends fast.

The one thing they both had in common was they each had ran away from home. And for some of the same reasons. Mindy's Dad was a drinker too but he was also abusive. Neither of them came from a large family so they both ended up looking for somewhere to be on their own. Their apartments were only a couple of blocks apart. Sometimes one would go to the other's place to hang out and end up just falling asleep while hanging out. They had laughed and cried together.

When it became close to time for them to clock out Mindy looked at Lacy saying, "are we about ready to go get you all better now?"  "I guess I have no choice in the matter, " Lacy answered as if she were very tired. She knew she had to find out what was wrong before the busy season got there or she would not be able to keep up. The doctor told her nothing on the phone and insisted she come into his office. "Who feels like doing this after work?" She had already lost what little lunch she had tried to eat and had felt quite a bit of pain today. " Darn that stupid doctor." she said. The minute she said it she felt bad. It wasn't Lacy's nature to call people names and she immediately felt guilty. I guess it is important if he wants me to come in. She thought.

They took a taxi to the Doctor's office and were there in no time. The walk down the long hallway to the elevator was getting to Lacy. Mindy saw she was struggling a little and offered to get her a wheelchair. "You can not be serious. I refuse to get in a wheelchair like an old person or an invalid. I will be fine. Just point me in the right direction, Min.."  Mindy knew Lacy was not as chipper as she pretended to be. She also knew she would have to really be bad to ride in a wheelchair, but she had to offer. She was worried about her and after all, they were like sisters.

As Mindy and Lacy reached the doctor's office, Lacy began to feel a dread in the pit of her stomach she had never felt before. After she checked in at the desk they found seats and sat down for the wait on the doctor.  The wait did not last long. They had sat for about 15 minutes when the nurse came out and called Lacy back. Mindy went back with her since she was now the only family Lacy had. They had now become sisters.

                                                                                                                                 Chapter 4  

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