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          Vivyan sat down cross-legged at the head of her bed, Mystica sat down in an identical position at the foot of her bed, the two twins facing each other.

          "Ready?" Mystica telepathically asked.

          "As I'll ever be." Vivyan looked down at her bedspread, suddenly feeling very nervous. What if it didn't work? The only similar way she'd ever used her powers was by reaching out to know who was around her.

          "Hey. I'm right here." Mystica took her sisters hands as they locked eyes. "We're in this together." Vivyan smiled as they both closed their eyes. She felt her sister's anxiety and caution as Mystica sent her magical energy into Vivyan.

          Vivyan's eyes flashed open, turning pure white as her telepathic reach expanded drastically. She could reach the minds of everyone in the city!

          "Vivyan!" Mystica spoke sharply in Vivyan's mind, snapping her back to the task at hand.

          "Right, Pyrite." She reminded herself. "Where are you?" She wondered as she reached throughout the city. She frowned when she couldn't find him anywhere in there.

          "Keep looking; search outside the city." Mystica encouraged her. Vivyan checked how tired her sister was getting before pushing on. She mentally made her way through all of the minds in Gemina before letting it drop.

          "Nothing." She gave a frustrated sigh as she opened her eyes, their blue-green color restored. That sigh instantly turned into a gasp when she saw her sister. Mystica had lost all color and seemed to be on the verge of collapsing, her breath coming in heavy wheezes.

          "I'm fine." Mystica tried to reassure her sister, but Vivyan wasn't fooled.

          "Listen, I don't know how you managed to fool me telepathically, but you're not fooling me now."

          "Pretty simple, actually. I lied to myself to keep pushing. That's what I do during a particularly tough training session."

          "Interesting..." Vivyan's mind started going down rabbit trails as she switched to speaking aloud. Then she shook herself and glared at Mystica. "Hey! Stop trying to distract me!"

          "Worth a shot." Mystica was still sticking to speaking mentally. Vivyan hoped that was more just because she naturally wasn't very communicative and not because she was too tired; which is more what it looked like.

          "Wait here; I'll go get Mom." Vivyan rose and pushed her sister into a lying down position on the bed and started to leave. She'd made it to the door when her sister vocally called out to her.

          "Hey Vivy?" Vivyan turned back.

          "Yeah Mysti?" Mystica smiled before replying.

          "I told you we could do it." Vivyan smiled back.

          "We can do anything..." She started.

          " long as we do it together." Mystica finished their motto. The two twins smiled at each other for another moment before Vivyan left to head back to the living room. But they were still psychically connected, and Vivyan found herself comforted by her sister's constant, ever-strong presence.

          She made her way back to the living room and found that Arkayna and Shaylia had joined the others; Em was sobbing in Arkayna's arms while Kitty and Zarya sat on the couch across from them and the five kids hung around behind the couches.

         "How'd it go?" Kyle was the first to notice her and then everyone else turned towards her.

         "I couldn't find Pyrite." Vivyan sadly replied.

         "Does that mean...?" Chrysy couldn't bring herself to finish the question.

         "We don't know what it means." Zarya quickly told them.

         "It could just be because Mystica was pushing herself too hard." Vivyan added.

         "Again?" Arkayna sighed.

         "This time wasn't my fault; I tried checking how tired she was, but she found a way to lie to me."

         "That's Mystica all right." Zarya grumbled, rising to head to Vivyan's room. The others all went back to their discussion.

         "Where could he be? Why wouldn't Vivyan be able to find him?" Em worried.

         "Hey, we'll figure this out." Kitty reassured her.

         "I'll head back to your house and look for clues." Kyle offered.

         "I'll come with you." Vivyan added.

         "Me to." Chrysy stood with them.

         "I'll go down to the police station and touch base with Kasey, and on the way I'll drop by Piper's orphanage and let her know what's going on." Kitty also rose.

         "Shaylia can go pop around and see if she can find anything." Arkayna suggested.

         "Right." Shaylia grudgingly agreed.

         "I'll go check with our various contacts." Kaddy pitched in.

         "What can I do?" Everyn wondered.

         "You can come with me to check some of his favorite places." Em suggested.

         "Okay." Everyn agreed.

         "Obviously my day's pretty booked with my responsibilities as queen, but I'll still do whatever I can to help." Arkayna added. Em smiled.

         "Thanks, you guys. You're the best." They all smiled back.

         "Hey, whatever we can do to help." Arkayna replied.

         "We'll all meet back up at Skypies for dinner after." Kitty said.

         "All right; let's do this." Chrysy led the way out the door and they all split up to go their separate ways.

         "Don't worry Pyrite, we'll find you." Em mumbled to herself as she led Everyn towards Magi Mall.

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