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Vivyan smiled. It was almost all over now. Captain Kaos had been shrunk down and trapped in a cannonball aboard the Pink Skulls ship. Apparently shrinking was the new imprisoning craze or something.

Tazma was still at large, but the new Mysticons were working on that. Shaylia had cheered up considerably when she had been chosen to be their solon. Now she wasted no opportunity to brag to Everyn about being in a position of authority over her. But Every had actually gained some confidence and pointed out that Shaylia had always been her older sister.

The adults and the entire Boon family had all gone back to their jobs and Vivyan became the new first mate of the Pink Skulls. She couldn't really hang out with Mystica anymore and the Pink Skulls lost two of their crew members, including their first mate. Plus, she was someone that Kitty already knew and liked.

Her smile widened; life was certainly going to be interesting now. Especially with her new-found ability. She closed her eyes as she transformed into the Mysticon Ranger. Her identical twin sister could do it, so of course she could to.

A/N And that's the end of my story. I plan on writing a sequel... sometime. I'm not sure when, so stay tuned. But I have a question; I've finished watching the entire Mysticons series. Does anyone else think that when the Spectral Hand was defeated and released all of the people it had absorbed that it would have released Captain Kaos to? I mean, I suppose he was actually dragged into the ruins instead of just absorbed, but still, seems kind of fishy.

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