Kyle & Kasey

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"What are you doing here?" Copper questioned in a rather rude and obnoxious tone as Vivyan entered behind Chrysy and Kyle. Vivyan rolled her eyes.

"I'm here to help." She replied, irritated. Copper got offended.

"Well there's no need to get all snappy about it." He said in a hurt tone.

"Ignore him." Chrysy said as she headed down the hall. "We should check Pyrite's room first." Before anyone could even blink, Copper was off the couch and quite literally breathing on his sister's neck.

"We already checked, remember - YOWCH!!!" His last comment was due to Chrysy stomping on his foot with all of her weight. "What'd you do that for?!!" He exclaimed with wide, innocent eyes.

"We didn't check in there with Vivyan and Kyle. They're the best at finding things." Chrysy paused, then continued in a sickly sweet tone. "Also, I didn't know your foot was there." She half-turned to flash him an innocent smile and bat her violet eyes, then entered Pyrite's room.

"You....!" Copper hobbled after her, furiously swearing which was interrupted by another yelp of pain.

"One of these days he's going to push her too far." Vivyan muttered to Kyle.

"That, combined with looking for clues, reminds me of all those treasure hunts from when we were kids." He told her with a teasing grin. She laughed.

"When we'd split into teams and Shaylia always ended up with Copper?"

"I'm still convinced that Kaddy and Chrysy set that up." Kyle chuckled as they entered Pyrite's room.

"See? Nothing here." Copper attempted to sound triumphant as he winced and rubbed his shoulder. Chrysy glared at him from where she was checking under the bed.

"You seem awfully sure that we're not going to find anything." Kyle commented, icy blue eyes narrowing suspiciously as he folded his arms. It only took a split second for everyone to figure out what he was implying.

"Kyle! I'm surprised at you!" Copper sounded hurt, but Vivyan caught an undercurrent of fear.

"Copper's a jerk, but if he knew something he'd have told us already; right?" Chrysy shot that last part to Copper with an up-lifted eyebrow.

"There's an easy way to find out." Vivyan suggested, raising a hand that glowed blue with magic. Copper nervously backed away.

"I don't know why everyone always insists on accusing me of things; but I have nothing to do with this!" He was slipping, letting the panic into his voice now as the other three closed in around him; sealing off his escape routes.

"Oh, he's definitely hiding something." Kyle determined.

"Better 'fess up little brother." Chrysy's eyes had narrowed. Suddenly, Copper straightened, regaining his composure. His usual, mischievous smile slid back onto his face.

"Okay: Chrysy, I'm only three minutes younger than you; Kyle, you insult me, and Vivyan, your constant telepathic prying is far more impolite than I will ever be." With that he used his super speed to dive out the window and dash away.

"Okay... that was weirder than I was expecting." Kyle furrowed his brow.

"Great! Now we have another missing Boon boy to find. If your father goes missing; I'll kill him." Vivyan grumbled to Chrysy, who shook her head.

"Don't worry; with his super speed and mischievous nature, we put a tracker in his phone." She pulled out her own phone and activated an app. A map popped up in the air above her phone with a red dot blinking from the house to the Undercity.

"What's he doing there?" Kyle wondered.

"Trying to get away from us, obviously." Chrysy replied.

"Well, it's not going to work." Vivyan stated, firmly. Chrysy and Kyle both nodded and they headed to the Undercity to find Copper and get him to talk.


Kasey sighed as he left the police station. They hadn't been very helpful. Seems some people just couldn't get past the fact that he had once been a sky pirate. It shouldn't matter, since they were talking about a missing child here.

The police, however, were convinced that it was just some other sky pirate out for revenge and they weren't going to get involved. Though now that he thought about it.... no, it couldn't be. Captain Kaos was gone; for good this time. Or at least, Kasey hoped he was.

Great; now he was getting all worried over what was probably (hopefully) nothing. He sighed again as his phone rang. He was surprised to see Zarya's name; she usually called either Kitty or Em. This must be important, he thought to himself as he answered.


"Hey Kasey; is Kitty with you? She's not answering her phone." Kasey furrowed his brow. Kitty? His sister wasn't even in the city as far as he knew.

"No; I haven't seen her since her last visit to Drake City. Why?"

"She came back this morning... she's helping look for Pyrite and was going to touch base with you at the station after dropping by Piper's." Zarya slowly replied, a touch of worry creeping into her tone. Kasey got a cold feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach.


"Piper said she had left over an hour ago." Zarya's voice was almost a whisper. Kasey didn't want to worry her further, but he felt he had to talk to someone about it; and apparently that someone wouldn't be Kitty. Who better than his adopted older sister?

"Zarya." He started carefully. "The police said they wouldn't help; they think that it's just some old sky pirate foe of mine out for revenge." He heard a quick intake of breath on the other side of the phone and knew that she'd put the pieces together.

"Captain Kaos is gone." She didn't sound completely convinced, though.

"We thought that once before." Kasey pointed out. There was a moment of silence; then Zarya replied in an all too calm voice.

"Head over to the palace; we need to talk."

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