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          Vivyan, Kaddy and 'Piper' entered Skypies together. The others all looked up. Kaddy grabbed Mystica's arm when she saw their eyes, which had all gone white with a poisonous, green glow.

          "Wow; I know we have a bunch of missing people, but you guys look terrible." 'Piper' told them.

          "What are you talking about." Arkayna said in a monotone. 'Piper' gasped, fakely.

          "Have you guys been hypnotized?" 'She' asked.

          "Clearly; we should try to find a way to break the spell." Kaddy said.

          "What spell. We feel fine." Shaylia said in a monotone, just like her mother.

          "Everything is fine." Tazma's voice was almost, but not quite, a monotone. The green glow also seemed a bit different on her eyes.

          "She's not really hypnotized, I bet she was the one who did this." Mystica discreetly signed to Kaddy.

          "I bet your magic can absorb the hypnotic spell on the others." Kaddy signed back.

          "I'll give it a shot." Mystica signed back, a little dubiously.

          "And I'll distract the others." Kaddy moved away.

          "So where do you think we should start?" She asked 'Piper'. "I'm guessing you probably have more experience in this field than I do."

          "We need to... um... figure out how they were hypnotized." 'Piper' replied. Mystica tuned 'her' out as Kaddy led 'her' to Tazma; blocking any view of Mystica that Tazma might have.

          Mystica walked over to where Kyle and Everyn were sitting, away from the others and in the shadows. She figured that would be a good place to start to stay discreet. She carefully placed a hand on one of each of their shoulders and let the energy sustaining the hypnotic spell drain into her body. Their eyes turned normal and they looked up at her, confused.

          "What's going on?" Kyle asked. This caught the attention of their enemies.

          "She freed them!" Tazma dropped the hypnosis charade as she stood up.

          "You knew all along, didn't you?" 'Piper' asked as 'she' morphed back into Captain Kaos. In that moment they'd forgotten about Kaddy, who still stood in between them. She grabbed Tazma's chair and slammed it over Captain Kaos's head.

          Then a knife magically appearing in her hand and she stabbed Tazma in the back, dashing across the floor before they could get their bearings back. She grabbed Kyle's arm and pulled him out the door, Everyn and Mystica instinctively following as she raced across the streets to the palace.

          "Where are we going?" Everyn panted.

          "Somewhere they won't think to look for us." Kaddy replied. "Where we can regroup and devise a strategy to get the others back."

          "That's easier said than done." Kyle told her. "Now we know who they've taken and who we're fighting, but we still don't know where they are."

          "We will. My knife was laced with Chrysy's coolest invention yet; nanite GPS." Kaddy explained.

          "And now they're in Tazma'a bloodstream. And she'll head back to their base of operations to deal with the injury." Mystica realized.

          "Brilliant! But what are we going to do when we find them?" Everyn wondered as they finally stopped. Looking around, Mystica recognized the Mysticons old stronghold.

          "That's why we're here, to figure that out." Kaddy responded.

          "But why here?" Kyle wondered. If Kaddy replied, Mystica didn't hear it. It was as if the entire realm had been put on mute and all she could hear was magic, vibrating. As if in a trance, she headed straight for the source; the Codex. It was active.

          "Guys!" She pulled herself out of the trance, calling her friends over. They came over and gasped in astonishment.

          "Why is it active?" Everyn whispered.

          "Because it's time for another generation of Mysticons." Mystica replied, inexplicably certain.

          "You mean... us?" Kaddy asked. Mystica nodded, reaching out a hand. The others uncertainly looked at each other, then did the same. Their hands froze right before touching the glowing book.

          "Ready?" Mystica asked, still entranced by the magic.

          "On three. One." Kaddy said, a little nervously.

          "Two." Everyn whispered, terrified.

          "Three." Kyle boldly finished as the four of them touched the Codex. Each transformed, hearing a strange female voice declare who they were.

          "Everyn Grimm, you are Mysticon Dragon Mage. Mystica Silvershade, you are Mysticon Ranger. Kaddy Stormrager, you are Mysticon Striker. Kyle Stormrager, you are Mysticon Knight."

          The four of them landed on the ground, holding their respective weapons. Everyn wore green and white, like her mother. Mystica wore blue and black, Kyle wore pink and a deep, reddish-purple. Kaddy wore gold and that same reddish-purple, which almost clashed with her hair, but still looked good.

          "Wow." Kaddy declared, breaking the silence.

          "You could say that again." Everyn nervously laughed.

          "Wow." Mystica said, intrigued. "It wasn't affected by my magic."

          "We need to get started on tracking down the others." Kyle reminded them.

          "Right." Kaddy pulled out her phone. "Chrysy's tech, don't fail me now."

A/N So that's why my story's called Future Mysticons. Next chapter, the final showdown! Hopefully it'll turn out okay, I'm not very good at writing fight scenes. I'd hoped to get it done today, but I didn't get anything done during vacation last week which really threw me off when I got back home. But vacation was a lot of fun!

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