The thing you love most

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The thing you love most about him💕:

Cam- He's so sweet and he always compliments you. He's the sweetest guy on earth.

Nash- He protects you no matter what. He's not overprotective but it's not like he doesn't care. He's protective in the right way.

Jack J- He can be really sarcastic and it makes good sarcastic conversations that always have you laughing.

Jack G- He makes you feel like a Queen. He makes you feel like you are worth something. He can even be a bad boy sometimes which really turns you on.

Matt- He makes you feel beautiful even when you don't feel like it. He will do anything to make sure you know that you are a beautiful, perfect girl.

Carter- He makes you laugh all the time. When you are feeling upset he makes you laugh so you can feel better.

Shawn- He sings to you all the time. He will write songs for you about his love for you.

Taylor- He always let's you wear his clothes and cuddle with him. You love to cuddle.

Aaron- He makes you happy. You love being with him it brightens your day.

Hayes- He may be young but you love just about everything about him. He makes you laugh and he does sweet things for you. He's everything you want.

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