When You Get Mad

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What happens when you get mad😡:

Cam- You will start to pull your hair and Cam will come up behind you slip his hands on your waist. Even if you are mad at him you let him do it. It makes you feel calm.

Nash- You usually scream and start crying at the same time when you are really mad. Nash hates to see you like that so he builds a fort and you two cuddle and watch movies.

Matt- He hates mad y/n. He doesn't like to see you upset and yelling. Happy y/n is his favorite so he does anything to make you happy.

Jack J- You will be screaming and you flip your hair and just let everything out. Sometimes you break down and cry. Jack doesn't like to see you mad because it means you are upset. He will put his arms around you and you rest your head on his shoulder and he will softly sing to you and kiss your forehead.

Jack G- Jack loves a mad y/n 😉 When you are mad he finds it so sexy the way you flip your hair and point and he can't resist you. While you are yelling he will slam you up against the wall and kiss you passionately. It makes you feel so good you aren't mad anymore.

Sammy- Like Jack G he finds it so sexy. He wants to make you happy again. He takes advantage of mad y/n but at the same time he doesn't. He will start to kiss your neck and collarbones to make you feel better but then things get wild.

Aaron- You can get so mad at him sometimes. He doesn't like for you to be mad. He let's you let your anger go. Then when you are calm he will hug you.

Shawn- He knows you can get really mad and bitchy. He doesn't blame you. He knows you can't help it. He will sing to you to make you feel better.

Taylor- He will softly kiss you no matter how loud you are screaming. He knows mad y/n can get scary but he doesn't care. He loves you and doesn't want you to be mad.

Hayes- He will do anything to make you happy. You scream so loud and throw things it gets scary so he buys ingredients and you two cook together. It's kind of risky since you are mad but it's a risk he will take.

Carter- He makes you laugh when you are mad. He will make a vine for you and show it to you making you laugh and you hug him and thank him for being such a good boyfriend.

Hope you liked!! ✌️ OMG SHAWN IS 16 😭😭😭💕💘 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAWN!!!! WE LOVE YOU💕💕💕

QOTD: Happy Birthday to Shawn?


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