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What he does when you are sick 😩😨😰:

Cam- He brings funny movies and snacks so you two can cuddle and watch movies. He does everything you need.

Nash- He will make vines for you saying he hopes you feel better and he will kiss you even though you tell him not to because he will get sick.

Matt- He will cook you delicious small meals. He knows you don't have much of an appetite but he knows you need to eat something. After he cooks for you he will cuddle with you.

Jack J- He will make a fort for you two and he will carry you bridal style into the fort. He will grab all your blankets and pillows and you two will cuddle and watch Netflix.

Jack G- He hates to see you sad and not feeling good so he will cuddle with you and give you massages in the places it hurts. He wants to do anything to make you feel better.

Shawn-He will sing to you. He will sit next to you and play a song and play the guitar. He knows you love it when he sings.

Taylor- He will get underneath the blankets with you and give you your medicine. He hugs you and kisses you in the places where it hurts.

Hayes- He loves to cuddle and have a Netflix Marathon. He puts on a tv show and will hug you as you sleep on his shoulder.

Aaron- He puts your head in his lap and will stroke your hair. He will tell you how beautiful you are and will kiss your forehead when you fall asleep.

Carter- He likes to make you laugh so he scares his mom (I hope this doesn't sound mean) and she says "Cartah stahp" and. It makes you laugh. He makes funny vines for you and shows them to you.

Sam- He hates to see you sick and upset. He just hates it. To cheer you up he always tells you the reasons why he loves you. He will cuddle and lightly tickle you.

Enjoy 💋 I'm so happy I have over 800 reads now like is this for real? Pinch me! Slap me! (Connors new video he uploaded today check it out) I had barely over 300 this morning now I have almost 900!! This is crazy!! Thank you!

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