1. Mirage do they exist?

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A 17 year old girl, introvert, short heighted, filled with confusions about life, afraid of her dad, close to mom, dreamy actually a daydreamer like every other teenager trying to find out something which she even don't know.

Trying to fulfill her satisfaction for life, always a analyzer.

Fighting with thoughts, what's good and what's bad end up with no conclusion rather just letting the situation go.

Miracle believer!!


It was the result day!

"Diva, what are you up to?" A exasperating voice from room next to hers, of her dad.

A bright sunny afternoon, news flashed everywhere, 12th CBSE results are out!"
Her heart was beating like it was going to burst in a while.
For her, nobody can ever understand the feeling of telling results to parents.
Yet! She took a deap breath and reminded of "the love" of her life Shiva.

After all,
Love is only the thing for her which have the capacity and intensity to cope up with every situation and give strength to fight and handle her insane thoughts.

Her dad came from office, got freshen up and sat on the dining table with everyone.

Her heart start beating more faster.

'What should I say? Should I say, dad my results are out and I scored well!? No.. Dad my results are out, I scored 91%!..
Is it okay.. ?
Will he be happy listening to this?
Or will he be like regular another day of her result.
Just not satisfied..'

Because many students scored much more than her and she wasn't able to cope up with all of them.... Actually not many, just one!
Yeah just one!

With all these thoughts drenching and quenching inside her, she took her move with spoon twirling in her fingers and head down, looking at the plates.

"Dad, I got my results!"
" How much you got?" Asked dad.
"Ok! How much Ishi got?"

Ishi.. yeah! She was that "one" whom she was envy of or you can say, just hatred... with all her mind and heart. Her classmate since childhood, always the topper.. without any good friends, just show off and bookworms. Diva, actually never liked her, since her childhood.
Not because, she studies well, but because of her arrogance, attitude and being egoist.

Sometimes, she being envy about her marks, about her parents that they might never had compared her marks with anyone..No! After all they never had someone to compare with and celebrated every result of hers..
But Diva has got nothing like that ever in her life till now..

"She... She got 93%"
Diva answered with a hesitation..

" I knew that, you can't achieve anything in your life. Just look at her, how hardworking and dedicated she is".

This was the line she was afraid of hearing...
She has never got a single compliment about her results whether it's being a class test or unit test or board exams.
She's always been compared to Ishi.

'But why this always happen to me?
Why I can't satisfy my dad with my marks?
Do I did something wrong?
Am I not hardworking? Am I not studied well?
Having thoughts scrambling up in her head, she finished the lunch and started watching TV with the spoon in her hands.

"Diva, what are you up to!?" Scolding voice of her dad came from the next room.


"Diva, I asked you something, you are supposed to answer it!"

"Silence again!!

"M asking something about your studies, what are you up to? Have you studied for your medical exams or just planning to led me down there also!"

She being lost in her thoughts and physically just watching TV, didn't got her dad's voice.

Whom could she share them with?
The biggest question of all.

In those, thoughts, she slept.

Mid-afternoon, her phone rang.

"Hello" she answered the call in a sleepy voice.

"Hey, how's you!"
(Omg! It's Shiva ! The person she was madly in love with.. how come he called me.. 🤔)

"M fine" ... U say! .. smiling lips reaching her eyes with roses in her heart again start beating loudly!

"Your result might be out na! I just saw the news!"


"How much you got?"


" Oh my gosh! Really.. I am so happy. So damn happy mahn! You're so brilliant."


"Hey! What happened, you doesn't seem happy".

"No, nothing like that! I am happy.. very happy.."

"Ok! So when you are going to give me party for your amazing results?!"

"Soon.. very soon"

"That's cool! Ok then, bye. We'll talk later"

"Ok, bye".

'Wait, what just happened! Why you didn't share to him everything. After all you love him right.. and he can understand you..
Don't know, I don't feel like sharing with him. I don't know whether he will understand or not.
But he is the one no, with whom you can share anything..
I just don't want to share this with anyone.'

She had a little fight inside her head... But, she couldn't .. figured it out what she should do.
She loves him, but he only agrees over being her best friend.
Love !! Just one-sided.
This was not the life she ever wanted.
She always wanted her dream boy who would come on a white horse and flew her away, away from her dad, away from her thoughts... Just to a new beginning of a new life!

One month passed!

Just passed, with a regular routine of doing nothing.
Even she doesn't had any passion to do in those days, beside eating and sleeping which she loved the most.

After all, the battle she daily fought with her self between what she knows and what she wants, she never got a conclusion till now.

But this was not the end!


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