2. College illusions!

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"I trust the next chapter because I know the author" ..
A thought in which Diva always believed in.

Having faith on God is something she haven't shown to anyone, actually no one, not even her mom, who had strong believe in God just like every other mother in India and even pushed her to do the same.

But, why? Why she was doing so.. hiding her feelings, emotions and believes from everyone, even from her mom, a person with whom girl's are generally supposed to share everything, atleast as per the ritual.

She might be an introvert or just wanted a secret keeper or a visage, in her life in which she can sink without even thinking twice.

Unraveling, exploring and unleashing things was not of her type.
She had closed all the doors approaching towards her all this while.

Now, that her dad had got admissioned her into a famous college of the city tagged with a brand name, she was supposed to explore it.

She had to got out to a different world with loads and tons of people of different characters.

This thought, made her sigh for a while. Leaping into a new journey alone, without any of her school friends!
Even, Shiva is not going to be there.
Jumping and playing with other guys and always around her.
It was the scariest night mare she could ever dreamt of.

But hadn't she used to discuss with her friends about the college life.

About guys in college .. how handsome they look, the way they smell and what not.
How they even maintain themselves.
Their amazing broad shoulders, anyone would die for.. Uff!

Farewell parties, bunking classes with group of friends, hanging out in canteen, outdoor trips etc. etc.


'Why am I thinking so much about it'. She asked herself silently.

Struck between the thoughts of happening life of college and traveling alone without friends, she went into her dad's study room, in search of something she could rely on.

After all, a person always want some kinda satisfaction for the step they are about to take.

There she read..

" Something wonderful always happens wherever you go but when you go, focus on becoming more peaceful person with what you have and where you are rather than focusing on where you could be. Then, as you move around, meet new people, explore new place, you will start to find peace right now, in the present moment. After all it's the inner peace you crave the most just like the deer who persistently craves for the musk which is already present inside him".

Feeling and keeping the quotes inside her mind, she slept in the study room.

Next morning.

She got up and kept starring for a while, infront of mirror brushing her teeth, totally blank! just like an empty cavern with no thoughts.

She completed her breakfast.
Afterall leaving home without breakfast while you are at your home is something which is strictly prohibited by Indian moms.

Walking down the aisle of streets to the college was something she will be going to love. Love for long walk, music with the headphones on and noticing everyone near by.

Entering the class for the first day, made her uncomfortable between unknown people who were chirping all around.

After a moment.

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