April: /04/

195 8 0

Dearest Diary,

It's becoming a lot more scarier during the day.

I am no longer allowed to go and meet my friends outside each morning, mama thinks I'll get injured. Instead, I have to meet my friends at school and not before.

The truth is (and I know this for a fact!) is that the government soldiers in our city are corrupt. They are terrorizing us innocent people for no reason! 

They walk around with guns in their hands, and randomly scream at random citizens! I've even seen a group of children get stopped and asked for money!

How sad is that? They have no more money for lunch. What will they eat?

I swear these soldiers are doing nothing for their jobs. They only walk around looking as if they seem serious.

Protests are still happening. Protestors seem to like hitting the soldiers...

Oh when will they leave?!?

Signed with a wish for freedom,

Haitham (Signature inserted!)

p.s. Some of my friends are not allowed to be at school. Oh I wish I can be like one of them... No school, no work, a dream to be!

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