October: /10/

120 7 0

Dearest Diary,

I am writing this at the coldest time of the day. Morning.

We have been on the move to the border of Lebanon. I haven't learn anything about this country from school, but I am eager to learn about it.

The walk to the town? of Hnaider is a long dangerous walk. We pass through many highly risked areas.

Every few hours or so, we have a food break and a small resting period.

The food is no longer fresh and it is really cold. I miss having a hot feast with all of my friends.

Water is also running out. We have to save every little bit of water for the journey. We are only allowed half a cup each.

Grandma is starting to become a bit weak, we have to keep an eye on her at times.

Fortunately, we have yet to get stopped by any soldiers. Hopefully they don't spot us.

Signed with a bit of food in my hand,

Haitham (Signature inserted!)

p.s. this Qatayef is delicious! Too bad it is cold....

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