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A/N: So basically it was late, I felt sick, couldn't sleep, and decided to write on something special that happened today (technically yesterday? Idek anymore) ❤️ enjoy! xx
ps. oops sorry it's so shiiiittyy

In all honesty,
There have been times where I've thought of you.
What you've been doing,
Who you're with.

It's not that I miss you or anything,
I mean, I definitely don't miss you...
I just,
I don't know,

Guilt does catch up to you eventually, you know.

When I do catch glances of your handsome face;
Slivers of pale, sculpted stone,
I have to stop
And catch my breath.
Or else I might loose myself in those hazelnut depths

But life moves on,
And I guess you have too.
Although these rare sightings do occur,
It isn't long until you're pulled back into the anonymous crowd
And I am again searching for chocolate hazelnuts.
Mere seconds are never long enough to explain how I feel
Perhaps they can be our infinites.

Those shards of infinite,
Moments when our eyes do meet
Make me lose contact with reality

No more am I a lovesick baby,
But a figment of imagination,
Daydreaming through space,
Without a care in the world.

© 2018 stitch_has_a_glitch.

PLEASE DONT FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE 💗 I love you all even those of you who only read

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