Chapter 5/ The Saviors

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Year 2092

Random Forest

Kane drags me through the forest, gripping my hand tightly. Brambles and bushes slap my face and cut my arms. 

"Isn't there any easier path to wherever you're leading me?" I grumble under my breath.

Kane laughs. "Of course, there's a paved path just 75 yards from here. Wanna check it out with me? It has a constant patrol of Micron crawling it. Let's go get captured!" 

I groan. "Are we there yet?" Kane sighs, "You really have no patience. How are you still alive?"

"Troy's pretty much the only reason I'm still breathing. And I might be the reason he's missing. I wasn't careful enough, and I lost him. " 

Kane looks at me with pitying eyes. "I had a Golden Retriever - Maya - for 3 years before the Micron appeared on Earth. Maya and I did basically everything together: eat, sleep, run. Last year, I was on the run from the Micron. Maya gave her life to distract and protect me from the Micron."

I smile. "When I was 5, our family adopted a German Shepherd. I named him Lucky, but Troy refused to call him that. We ended up changing his name to Super-Dog."

Kane snorts, "Your family is really creative, huh."

I laugh and smile. Talking to Kane is probably the first thing I enjoy since Troy and I were together in our childhood home.


"Meyer. Who is she?" A gruff voice pierces my ears. 

I look around to find the source of the voice, but can't see anyone except Kane. We're in a shabby, run-down room. The walls are painted white, but the paint is peeling, revealing a rustic red background. The only other thing in the room is a small, wooden chair that Kane is sitting in. 

"Where are we?" I ask. It takes a moment but I realize that I don't know how we got here. All I can remember is our small talk in the forest and then descending a set of steel plated stairs into the dark.

"Wait. I have a better question. Why can't I remember how I got here?" I stomp over to Kane and glare at him. He stares with a passive expression. 

"Meyer! She asks too many questions. It's my turn. Who is she?" The voice echoes through the room again. I look around and see nothing. No speakers, cameras, or even hidden doors.

I take a risk and shout out my name. "I'm Naveah Rocha! Can you please help me? I need to find my brother and get him back!"

The voice returns, "And how did you learn about this place? Was it this young man?" I turn and stare at Kane. In a split second I make a decision.


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