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 Arthur returned to Dragonbarrow with Nyatar, Naevys, and Illyria, and they finally cured Blake of the sand dweller's venom. When he heard that both Commander Vestarr and Trevor Karvine were executed, though, he had Illyria return him to Belhall, where he found Matthew poring over a note from House Morvain that called the banners of Sandstorm. The message said that the Sandlands would fight for King Vorian since they owed House Busch a serious debt in aiding them against the Redwalds, along with making them the High Lords of the Sandlands. Arthur went over it with his older brother, and he disagreed, but Matthew was conflicted with the decision, since the Morvains were the High Lords of the Sandlands, but the King killed the Commander of the Guardians. After weeks of brooding, Matthew had enough.

"I don't know what to do, brother," he admitted. "Our new King has already proven to be an idiot. The one other person who could take the Dragon Throne is dead, thanks to him."

"You're the Lord of Belhall, not me," Arthur reminded. "I personally don't think a King should be acting like Vorian is."

"What would you have me do, then?" Matthew asked. "I'm a traitor if I don't obey Lord Morvain or King Vorian."

"Well, so am I," said Arthur. "But there's no hiding from this."

"I know," Matthew agreed. "We have to choose a side."

"You know, there is one who could claim the Dragon Throne," Arthur suggested. "The one who captured me months ago?"

"Kara Karvine?" asked Matthew. "She was married into House Karvine, and I thought she was dead."

"She was still our Queen before the Busch Rebellion," said Arthur. "And she has an army of Draconians, thousands of them. I've seen them fight, brother. They're unmatched as warriors. And admit it, House Busch isn't doing a good job at ruling this country. This is the second war that's started on their watch."

"And how many wars have the Karvines seen happen?" asked Matthew.

"Yes, well, they never killed a Guardian Commander," said Arthur. "And the last war in Aetherian was two years ago, brother. Two years. Every war during the reign of House Karvine was centuries apart, at least. I think Aetherian needs its rightful ruler." Matthew thought about that for a bit. Arthur was absolutely right. Aetherian was slowly crumbling under the reign of Houses Busch and Lysander, whereas the Karvines kept it together for ten thousand years.

"Where is Queen Kara?" Matthew asked.

"Dragonbarrow," Arthur answered. "Not far from here, only a few hundred miles south."

"Is that your definition of 'not far'?" Matthew chuckled.

"Hey, a few weeks ago, I went to the western border of the Sandlands," Arthur reminded. "A hundred miles is an inch to me."

"Well, I think you're right," Matthew admitted. "I'll fight for Kara." Matthew and Arthur raised the silver bell banners of House Drumwind and marched an army of two hundred thousand silver-armored soldiers to Dragonbarrow. The brothers met Kara Karvine, Theon Bloodbane, and the Guardian Knight, Blake, who was wearing silver Guardian armor instead of a tan jacket, in the sands where Dragonbarrow was just on the horizon. They both bent on one of their knees in their Queen's presence.

"Rise, my lord," Kara excused, and the brothers rose.

"I heard what happened to your son, Your Grace," said Matthew. "I offer my condolences."

"Thank you, Lord Drumwind," said the Queen.

"I also offer my strength," Matthew added. "House Morvain has summoned the other desert lords to Sandstorm to support Vorian Busch."

"But you aren't answering them?" asked Kara.

"No, Your Grace," Arthur answered. "Vorian killed a Guardian, one that I fought with some weeks ago."

"Was it Trevor?" said Queen Kara.

"Yes, Your Grace," Arthur answered. "I helped him find the last ingredient to the remedy for Blake. It looks like it worked, too."

"Well, I'm not seeing things, anymore," agreed Blake.

"Lord Drumwind, as much as I appreciate your loyalty, it's not me you should pledge yourself to," said Kara.

"Then who, Your Grace?" Matthew asked. "The current King killed your son."

"My daughter," Kara answered. "She should be in Aetherian any day, now." Arthur and Matthew both looked to each other with widened eyes. Trevor had an older sister?

"So, what will you have us do, Your Grace?" asked Matthew. "I brought all I can spare. Two hundred thousand men, twenty thousand tanks, and a few hundred walkers."

"For now, march them back to Belhall, my lord," Kara instructed. "Until we're fully prepared, your city is the first stronghold defending Dragonbarrow from the north."

"They won't get past us, Your Grace," Matthew promised. "Just let me know if you need anything else from us." Matthew and Arthur began to walk back to their army, and Kara, Blake, and Theon, back to Dragonbarrow.

"Ser Arthur!" Kara suddenly shouted.

"Is she calling to you?" Matthew asked. They both turned and walked back towards her.

"Yes, Your Grace?" said Arthur.

"I've heard of your skill as a swordsman," said Queen Kara. "And I have a spot reserved for Dragon Knights. How would you like to be one?"

"I would be honored, Your Grace," Arthur answered, excitedly kneeling down. "I pledge myself to Aetherian and her King and Queen." Kara drew Dragonslayer, tapping Ser Arthur on his right shoulder, then raised it over his head, and tapped his left.

"Rise, Dragon Knight," she said.

Aetherian(Part 1): A War BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now