Ellie's Moment

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"Hehe, oops," Jack blushes, "Did I say that out loud?"

    Ellie set her stuff down in her room and ran into her room. Everyone thought she was upset because of what happened, but Grace told them that she can get like this often. Then they heard laughter coming from inside the room.

"Oh, Jack!" She said in a summoning voice.

"Coming." Jack said kinda biting his lip.

    He opened the door to her in her baggy 'Jack Avery' jersey, and little shorts. He slammed the door behind him.

"I'm liking where this is going so far." Jack said while taking off his sweater.

"Okay, well, they're gonna be there for a while," Jonah rolled his eyes jokingly, "do you guys wanna go get something to eat?"

"Sure!" Grace said.

    Back in the room, Ellie and Jack got to kissing. As Ellie ripped his shirt off, they moved over to the bed. As things were getting intense, Ellie gets a call from her mom.

"Of course," Ellie goes to pick up the phone, "Hey, mom." Ellie was out of breath.

"Hey, sweetie! Just wanted to checkup. Why are you so out of breath?" Her mom asked.

"Oh, i just went out for a jog." Ellie winked at Jack. Then she said bye and hung up the phone.

    Jack kissed her cheek and brought her back down to him. Ellie slid her hands through his hair, as he kissed her again and again.

    Back at the coffeeshop, with Jonah, Zach, Daniel, Corbyn & Grace, Grace gets a call from Hanna. Grace picked up the phone to Hanna sounding nervous.

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