Tough telling.

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Daniel just looked at her. Grace's heart sunk into her chest, and she thought Daniel would be upset. She knew this would change everything, although, she might regret it, she knows it could do great things for her life.

"Grace," Daniel paused and noticed Grace's expression, "That's amazing." He hugged her.

Daniel had no words to express his happiness for her. It has been his dream as well to go to a special music school.

"Promise me this," Daniel said looking into her eyes, "Talk to me everyday, visit, and let me come over, I wanna see Julliard!" He held her hands in excitement.

"I would've done that anyways," She paused to look in his baby blue eyes, "I love you so freaking much." She kissed him.

"I love you too, and I'm gonna miss you, so so so much." Daniel said after the lip-lock, and he started tearing up.

"Daniel, hey, it's only a couple years, and during the summer, baby, I'll be back!" Grace said, comforting him.

Grace went to tell the rest of the boys, and yes, they were disappointed she was leaving but they were all super happy for her. She also called Hanna, and that went well.

That night, Daniel decided to sleepover at Grace and Ellie's place. It was Grace's last night here before moving to Julliard, so he thought he would make it count. Before their sleepover, they all had a huge party, with everyone, Christina, Tate, Tyler, and Anna, made it. Grace loved Tate and Christina so she was so happy to finally meet them. The party was fun, but some people drank a tad too much. The party finished at around 12, everyone went home expect for Daniel.

Daniel and Grace decided to snuggle up and watch her favourite movie, "Love, Simon." Daniel fell asleep throughout half of it, he thought it was too soft for him. It was such a chick flick. When the movie was done, Grace nudged Daniel awake, and it startled him, but she thought it was cute.

"Hey, sleepy head, are we pulling this all-nighter or what?" Grace smiled.

"W-what?" Daniel said, yawning, "Oh yeah, all nighter, let's do this."

It was roughly 2 am, Grace couldn't stop staring into Daniel's baby blue eyes, and Daniel couldn't stop staring into Grace's sweet brown eyes. Daniel couldn't help but hold her hand, squeeze it tight, and kiss her all night long. And Grace couldn't help but kiss him back.

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