Chapter four

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Madison's POV
After Michael left I needed to talk to someone. I couldn't call Sarah because she's a back stabbing bitch. So I decided to call auntie Vanesa. Auntie Vanesa has really been there for me these past few years. She is more like a mother to me.
I dial her number it rings a few times and she finally picks up.
"Hi auntie, how are you?"
"Hey baby girl I'm doing good how are you"
"I could be better"
"Awe what's going on?"
I explained everything to her and I decided I would go visit her for the weekend
After I talked to auntie Vanesa. I went to pick up Asheel from Janice. Asheel has been spending lots of time there because I didn't want her to see me crying.When I got to her house I could tell Janice knew something was up.
"Hey is she all ready to go"
"Ok thank you I'll call you later"
"What's going on"
"Nothing everything is fine" I say trying to hold back my tears.
"No it's not what's really going on"
So I had to explain everything to her. Gosh why can she read me so easily.
"Ok munchkin what do you want to do?"
"Can we go to the park and get some ice cream"
"Ok we'll just go drop your stuff off first"
"Can daddy come with us"
"No sorry hunny he's working"
So we go to the park for about 2hrs. When we get in the car she fell asleep almost immediately. Driving home I realized that Ash hasn't seen her father in few day so I decided that she can stay with him while I go visit auntie Vanesa . I have to call or text him which is a drag, because I don't really want to talk, see or even think about him. But surprisingly he calls me, maybe he's calling to apologize for the hundredth time.
"Hello Doctor Robinson"
"Hi Madison it's Russ I just called to see if I could take ash for the weekend"
"Uh sure I was going to ask you anyway, is that all?"
"Yeah ok thank you we'll stop by tomorrow morning" 
The next morning
"Time to get up munchkin"
"Why it's so early"
"Because your daddy is coming to get you"
"How come he isn't here anymore?"
*knock knock*
"That must be your father"
I go and answer the door. It wasn't who I thought it was.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to pick up Ash"
"You aren't taking MY daughter"
"But Russ told me to pick her up"
" I don't care what Russ said. If Russell wants to see his daughter then he can come get her himself"
"But he wants her now because he's busy and won't have time to pick her up after work. Because we are going on a trip"
"No you are not going to take her, tell Russell he will have to make time to come and pick her up"
"Ok! I will be back with Russell"
I hear her mumble something while she walks away
"What did you say"
"I said you're being a bitch"
"Says the one who's sleeping with MY husband"
"At least he likes it"
"He's probably only with you because he feels sorry for you"
When she walked away you could tell she was angry.

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