Chapter twelve

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Madison's POV
It was 4:45 am when I looked at the clock. And that's when I realized that I've been crying all night. So I got out of bed and washed my face. I walked out onto my balcony and the sun was rising it was beautiful so many different shades of red and it was so peaceful at that time of day. After I watched the sunrise I decided to go for a walk. I was down towards the beach. When I got to the beach I found a log to sit on and watched the waves and surfers, it reminded me of my dad he would tell me "when you're living in Hawaii you'll have to get up at 5 am and go surfing every morning".oh man I really miss my dad I haven't talked to him in a few years I wish my parents accepted that I loved Russell, but it's all in the past and I'm trying to fix my relationship with them now. Around 7:30 I started to walk back up to the house, but I stopped at a cafe I used to go to when I was in university. So I called Janice and asked her to meet me there.
About 15 minutes later
"Good morning"-Janice
"Good morning"-me
"How did you sleep?"- Jan
"Uh I didn't"-me
"You know that's not good for the baby"-Jan
" I know"-me
"When are you go to tell him that you're carrying his child?"-Jan
"When he or she's like twenty"-me
"There's a small part of me that's so excited and wants to tell him but the other part is like no he won't want to have another child with me"
"He's a great father and he has so so much love for Asheel and I'm sure he will have the same love for your baby"-Jan
"But he has three more on the way"-me
"So he will have to love all his children the same"-Jan
"Thank you"-me
"Have you at least told Asheel?"-Jan
"You're going to have to tell them soon, you're starting to show now"-Jan
"Oh geez am I"-me
Janice just laughs and nods at me
After breakfast we head back up to the house and get ready to meet my friends, we're going to go for lunch at pansy's then we're going to go the yacht to water ski and just have a good time
Narrative POV
"Hey what time are we leaving"-Jan
"At 11:30"-Madison
Madison and Jan left the house at 11:50 and had to be at the restaurant at 12:00 good thing the restaurant is only five minutes away from the house

At the restaurant
"Oh my god there she is"-amber
Madison and amber ran to each other and hugged
"It's so good to see you"-Madison
"It's been too long"-amber
"It's only been two and a half months"-Madison
"Yeah but that's like forever"-Amber
"Haha any ways this is my friend Janice, Janice this is Amber"-Madison
"Hi nice to meet you"-Janice
"Nice to meet you too, everyone's around the corner in the private room"-Amber
Madison and Janice walked to the private room and everybody was excited to see Madison and she introduced Janice to everyone
"So Madds how's Asheel?"- Lalani
"Oh she's doing great starting kindergarten soon"-Madison
"Oh wow they grow up fast"- Natalie
"And how is Russell?"- Amber
"Oh well I'm not to sure"- Madison
"Wait why don't you know aren't you guys married"- Lalani
"Uh yeah but we're getting divorced"-Madison
"What why?!!"-Natalie
"Well he has a girlfriend"-Madison
"You're telling us the guy who said he would love you till the end of time cheated on you"-Amber
"I'm afraid so"-Madison
"Now tell me who's the bitch who ripped your family apart"-Natalie
"Her names Sarah she is WAS my best friend and they're expecting triplets soon very soon"-Madison
Just the thought of saying her name makes me so angry like I just want to go find her and shoot her between her eyes but I know I shouldn't because I was taught to take the high road and be the better person but then again she did ruin my marriage and break my heart.
"And you say that like you don't care I would go over there and beat the crap out of her then leave like nothing happened"- Amber
"Me too"-Natalie
"Well I would beat Russell first then go have a "talk" with her- Lalani said emphasizing the word TAlK
"Well knowing Madison I know that she would shoot both of them in the leg and run away"-Janice
"That is very very true"-Amber
"Haha very funny guys"-Madison
"Are you going to tell them your news Maddie"-Janice
Madison gave Janice a kinda angry look but then smiled because everyone was staring and confused
"Uh yeah I guess I have to know"-Madison
"Come on tell us already"- Lalani
"Ok ok here it goes...I'm pregnant three months two weeks"-Madison
"Wait you mean you were already preggo when I saw you and you didn't tell me "-Amber
"Well I didn't know then I found out two weeks later"-Madison
"Oh my god congrats"- Natalie
"Thank you"-Madison
"Does Russell know or is it even his?"-lalani
"No he doesn't and yes it's his we've only been separated for two months"-Madison
"But you did have that one night stand with your coworker from NCIS a week after you guys split up and Russ just about watched you guys make love"-Janice
"It was two week after, And we low key flirted the the time"-Madison
"Your telling me your not even  sure if the baby's Russell's "-Amber
"It is Russell's I was going to tell him the news the night I found out he was cheating"-Madison
"Oh god I'm so sorry"-Natalie
"Oh honey"-Amber
After lunch and explaining everything and getting too know Janice they all went out on the yacht and had a blast on the water ski then they had dinner and watched the sunset .

Hey sorry it's short and kinda dumb but it's just a filler chapter. Thanks for reading:)

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