Chapter five

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After we had lunch, Russell showed up.
"What the hell Madison"
"Oh hi how are you? I'm doing great thanks for asking"
"Why wouldn't you let Sarah take Asheel?!!"
"Please you send your little girlfriend to pick up our daughter from YOUR wife. Thinking I'm just going to let her take her."
"Well I thought you guys would've worked things out..."
"What you think I'm going to be okay with the bitch who ripped my family apart"
"Well I thought you would've at least forgiven her or well us"
"Look Russell you really hurt me and especially Sarah. You're lucky I didn't shoot her"
"Ok I get it I'm really sorry"
"Whatever just take Ash and I'll text you when I get back"
"Wait where are you going"
"That's none of your concern"

After I said good bye to Asheel. I had to leave for the airport. I asked auntie Vanesa to pick me up in Nanaimo. When We landed I got off grabbed my bag and went to the parking lot to see auntie Vanesa.
"Hey Baby girl"
"Hi auntie"
"How are you doing"
I just lean into her and start to cry
"Oh Baby girl everything will be fine"
" it just hurts so much"
"I know"
The car ride to her house was silent
Ten minutes later at her house
"So how is Asheel"
"I'm pregnant..."
"Oh my god"
"Three months "
"Is it Russell or is it the guy you had one night stand with"
"It's Russell I was going to tell him the night I found out about her "
"Well you should tell him"
" I haven't found the strength to tell him"
"Well he's gonna start to notice and  he's gonna assume it's his"
" I know or I could just lie and tell him it's that guys "
"No you have to tell him it's his"
"You know this isn't the worst part about this. Sarah is carrying his baby"
" I'm going to beat that boys ass next time  I see him"

We both start to laugh and watch some movies while eating corn beef hash. The night went well .I fell asleep on the couch and I guess auntie Nesa  covered me with a blanket and went to her room.
The next morning
"Good morning Madison"
"Good morning"
"You feeling better"
"As well as I can be"
"That's good"
"So what's the plan for today"
" I was thinking we could go drive to Tofino and stay the night"
I started to laugh a little bit
" are you serious?"
" yeah my treat"
" you know I don't like going that way"
" I know I just figured you might want to reconnect and tell them they have a granddaughter and another one on the way"
" but they never approved of who I loved and I'm certain they won't want me back because I basically turned on them for someone that turned on me and I don't have the time to tell my story from the past few year so no I don't want to go to Tofino "
"well at least come to Courtney with me"
"Why would I want to go there"
"Because I'm sure you won't want to miss your nephew graduate"
"What time is that at?"-
"Well we better start getting ready"
"Thank you"
Madison gives her a half smile that soon fades away.
About and hour and half later
" I'm so nervous I wasn't even invited I don't want to crash the party I'll just stay here and wait for you to get back ok sounds like a plan I'll see you later"
" No you're coming with me I'm sure he'll love to see you"
"Are you sure?"
It took us about 45 minutes to get to Courtney and find the place. I was shaking I was so nervous.
" I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll meet you in there"
"Ok I'm going to go find your other mom"
" uh...ok"
"Or I could find seats further away from them"
"no it's  alright"
As I'm looking for the Washroom I see all the graduates.And it reminds me of when I graduated. All the Good times with my friends and all the good times with my family. Somedays I regret shutting them out, especially Christmas time and birthdays. And the day Asheel was born I just wanted to call my mom and let her know she came into the world. someone's  voice than brings me out of my thoughts
"Madison is that you?"
"Uh yeah who's asking" I ask as I turn around
"It's Ben"
"Oh my god congratulations"
"Thank you, what are you doing here?"
"I just came to inspect the halls because I'm a hall inspector now...I obviously came to see my nephew graduate"
"Oh haha, well are you going to sit with mom and them"
"I'm not to sure I haven't went to see them yet"
"Ok grandma Anna and them should be here soon"
" oh..."
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. I tensed up as soon as I heard my mothers name. And I knew Ben didn't mean to mention her and it just slipped out.
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok it's just I haven't seen her for a long time and I know it will most likely be awkward,lots of yelling,crying,and explaining, you know the usual and plus I don't really have the energy to do that right now"
"You'll have to do it sooner or later"
"I choose later"
He rolls his eye
"Don't roll your eyes at me"
I start to laugh and immediately regret leaving them and try to keep the tears forming in my eyes from falling but I held them in because I don't like crying in front of him. I missed laughing and just talking with my family.
  "Well I have to get going I'll see you later"

Auntie Vanesa 's POV
I could tell Madison was nervous about coming here. but she needs to reconnect and be around people that love her.
I walk up to my pal and her family.
"Hi everyone"
"Hi auntie" everyone says
"So are you exited Nelle "
"I'm very excited and a bit emotional"
"I think that's normal"
"Oh so I brought a plus one"
"Oh who?" Nelle ask kinda puzzled
Everyone stares at me having mixed emotions. I could feel everyone's very uncomfortable with just hearing her name and I feel bad because I don't want her to be with them and not get along. But I know it will be a long road till they're all happy
There's a few minutes of silence.
"So uh... where is she?" 
"She just went to find the washroom"
"Oh ok"

Madison's POV
As I walk back I feel myself trying to turn back and just forget about them but my heart is telling me to go in there and make things right.
I spot auntie Vanessa  and everyone else. I see she saved me a seat so I go sit down. When I get over there my mother is there and we both just stare at each other for what seemed like forever.
" hi"
"Hello" she says not even making eye contact and in an annoyed tone
But I just ignore all the stares from everyone. And enjoy my nephews graduation.
When it's over I get up and start to leave but my mother pulls me aside.
"What are you doing here?!"-
"I obviously came to see Ben graduate"
"Ok so you just got up this morning and decided to show up after five years"
"Oh since when do you care"
"I've always cared"
"Well you didn't care. When your one and only daughter got married"
"I didn't go because that boy seemed dangerous and I didn't approve of him or your relationship I didn't want him to hurt you"
" oh well my HUSBAND took care of me, put food on our table a roof over our  head, supported me through my career, and gave me a beautiful daughter"
"Wait a second I have granddaughter"
"Yes she turns four in few months"
" oh my god!!And you didn't think of telling me"
"Oh I thought about telling you every day but I just couldn't because you hurt me and I knew I couldn't come back"
"Why not you had no problem telling me you were leaving us to be with that husband of yours"
"I invited you to the wedding but no none of my family was there"
" I'm sorry but something came up"
"What's more important then your daughters wedding"
"That is none of your concern"
"Oh I think I deserve an answer"
"We all went on family vacation"
" WHAT!! All of you went on a family vacation"
"My wedding was in Hawaii I lived in Hawaii what the hell. So tanning on the beach was more important then coming to my wedding"
"Yes it was and it was one of the best vacations ever"
"I can't take this right now Auntie let's go"
As we were leaving I was just so mixed up and wondered if I would regret the choice I made.

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