The Aim

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Wattpad is filled with new writers aiming to get their story out there, and as any author will tell you, it's not an easy task! 

This story hopes to help you improve your craft wherever we can, and let you know that you can have diverse and new ideas by providing tips on writing the various genres, embracing originality, and giving writing advice. Hopefully it will help you, and good luck with your stories. 

This story was originally published on the TeenFictionCommunity profile (now @YA), and was worked on by multiple ambassadors on Wattpad, including myself. Articles written by those ambassadors are attributed to them. Otherwise the tip was written by yours truly.

For now I'll be rolling these out every couple of days/ when I have time until they're all republished and then I'll have to start writing fresh tips when they run out, so let me know if there's anything you want featured!

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